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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
hauser, id.
I joined this forum back in 2008 and shortly after, I designed a 6.5 Sherman (for myself)
A few folks liked the performance and so I loaned the reamer. A couple years later, I saw a need for a true short action and the 6.5 SS was created "Bigngreen" helped with that one! People liked the performance, and I have enjoyed working with you guys. I built several different designs and posted on this forum often with results. Apparently, a lot of people liked it enough to where its grown beyond belief! When ADG picked me up, thanks to the request from MANY of you folks, things really took off and here we are today. I have always tried to treat everyone with kindness and respect, and tried to be as helpful as I could. I dont post as much anymore, but try to stay involved. Most of the Sherman threads are now created by clients. Now to the point of this thread:
Over the years, there have been a few people who have followed me around trying to cast doubt, question velocities, etc. As far as I know none of you have ever shot one!
These folks have probably been 1%, but maybe there are more? Probably is.
So.... here's what I suggest. My first choice would be to man up and call me to see if we can come to some understanding. My second choice would be for you to call Len and have me removed from the forum if he agrees. Another option is for you who try to cause problems, and post things behind my back, is for you to move on.That would be my last choice, because thats not me.
If I'm missing something here, I'll be happy to move on tomorrow. I feel blessed to have made so many friends here, but on the other hand, I dont want to be stumbling block either.....Rich
Are you referring to this Thread? It's right there in the open, it's not hiding, and I'll bet you probably read it already:
I read it now. No, I wasn't referring to any particular thread, just thought it was time to speak up.
There is PLENTY of data out there from shooters, if you care to research it. I dont remember if you built one or not? Not sure why you posted this but my father use to say if you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one who yelps is the one who got hit. You can call me if you want to try to talk this over. 208 755-6723
If you've got a disagreement with what I posted, feel free to reply on the thread. There's really no need to start another one.
If you've got a disagreement with what I posted, feel free to reply on the thread. There's really no need to start another one.
As I stated, this thread was to address a couple years of stuff and so a separate thread was necessary. Had it been meant for you personally, I would have directed it to you. Actually, I would like the same courtesy, now that you mention it! This is exactly what Im talking about, now that you directed me to your post. If you choose to be nauseated, I have no beef with that. That would be a good reason to pm me, call me, etc.
I'll give you free use of a reamer of your choice and provide dies and brass at cost if you're serious about wanting valid data?
You might even like the build🙂
True dat, I've no idea how many other threads on this forum mentioned the same thing, always some supporter plugging the latest & greatest. Also, untold fake accounts for the same purpose, lots of internet propaganda all over from them. It really does start to become obvious after a while. As far as Your Product, I am in the market, but you leave very vague data regarding your stuff. I'm betting it's because you're worried someone is going to steal your ideas or something. I like more concrete information before I go all in. Now I'm not intending to be cynical regarding such a broad subject, it did appear you were calling me out, and I've got nothing to hide. You know what they say about lying, you better be a genius to have remember every single one, and I'm no genius.
I don't have a dog in this as I have never built a Sherman. I just want to simply say I appreciate the way y'all are being respectful. Very often these types of conversations become a typing battle, lol. Hope y'all have a good evening.
True dat, I've no idea how many other threads on this forum mentioned the same thing, always some supporter plugging the latest & greatest. Also, untold fake accounts for the same purpose, lots of internet propaganda all over from them. It really does start to become obvious after a while. As far as Your Product, I am in the market, but you leave very vague data regarding your stuff. I'm betting it's because you're worried someone is going to steal your ideas or something. I like more concrete information before I go all in. Now I'm not intending to be cynical regarding such a broad subject, it did appear you were calling me out, and I've got nothing to hide. You know what they say about lying, you better be a genius to have remember every single one, and I'm no genius.
Ill say it one more time only. I was not calling out anyone in particular and in fact, I dont even keep an account of things as far as most names go! I'm moving on but I have a feeling that If you were in my shoes, or knew me, you would have a completely different attitude about me.
I guess I don't qualify as a "supporter" (whatever that means) of the cartridges as I don't have one. I have thought about it, especially the .30, just currently moving in another area of interest. I am a fan of Rich Sherman, and have been privileged to pick his brain over a couple of meals. You won't find a more solid citizen.

I'm not sure what data is being sought, but there are plenty of users posting chronograph data for their Sherman builds. They support the velocity claims made by Rich.

There may be a rift on this particular forum that's date dependent. It's pretty much doubled in size since I've been here, and some of the developmental stages may have occurred prior to the presence of newer folks.

If it's a matter of having a dog in the fight, skin in the game, or put up or shut up. If there is a process that will satisfy the doubters, I have a Tikka not being used much I'd place with Rich's components. We haven't put together a Christmas rifle in awhile, could be a good start.
I joined this forum back in 2008 and shortly after, I designed a 6.5 Sherman (for myself)
A few folks liked the performance and so I loaned the reamer. A couple years later, I saw a need for a true short action and the 6.5 SS was created "Bigngreen" helped with that one! People liked the performance, and I have enjoyed working with you guys. I built several different designs and posted on this forum often with results. Apparently, a lot of people liked it enough to where its grown beyond belief! When ADG picked me up, thanks to the request from MANY of you folks, things really took off and here we are today. I have always tried to treat everyone with kindness and respect, and tried to be as helpful as I could. I dont post as much anymore, but try to stay involved. Most of the Sherman threads are now created by clients. Now to the point of this thread:
Over the years, there have been a few people who have followed me around trying to cast doubt, question velocities, etc. As far as I know none of you have ever shot one!
These folks have probably been 1%, but maybe there are more? Probably is.
So.... here's what I suggest. My first choice would be to man up and call me to see if we can come to some understanding. My second choice would be for you to call Len and have me removed from the forum if he agrees. Another option is for you who try to cause problems, and post things behind my back, is for you to move on.That would be my last choice, because thats not me.
If I'm missing something here, I'll be happy to move on tomorrow. I feel blessed to have made so many friends here, but on the other hand, I dont want to be stumbling block either.....Rich
I think you and any other wildcatter is an asset to this site. This is an odd post, not sure why you are so bothered about the 1%. You do plug your cartridge on about every thread possible, which is your right to do, but could be annoying to some. Thick skin is your friend on the internet...
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I can see how over year things can build up for Rich. I don't think his post is out of line. I think sometime things just need to be said and I think he did it the right way . By not calling individual people out. As far as having a Sherman , I built a 30 Sherman and can not say one bad thing about working with him. He responds to messages fast, I personally like all of his data and posts he does on this site and I've learned a lot from them. And has went above and Beyond to get things going for me on my Sherman build. I will for sure build more off his Sherman line up. I hope he stays on this site but if not I hope he goes to another site so I can follow him and all the data And knowledge he Provides for us.
I've built two Shermans. A long action and a short action. I've gotten the same performance as the others with the same chamberings and the whole process has been a pleasure. I certainly wouldn't want to see you step away from the forum because a couple individuals disagree with your designs or the data posted.
I find it amusing that some people get frustrated, disgusted or get tired of people talking about cartridge they like. It's real easy not to read something which bothers you. I believe what Rich has done is make improvements on very solid proven cartridges. Some will say the improvement isn't enough to justify the round. Well if someone wants it, shoots it, and likes it, then it is justified. Pretty simple. I have one in hand and two more currently being chambered in Sherman Cartridges and they are exactly as he described them to be. Powder usage, velocity and accuracy. I'd say we need more people like Rich on these forums.
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