Gap 4s saum help


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
West virginia
Looking for some info regarding the 6.5 saum. A buddy has been working on loads for his with h1000 and 143 eldx. It's a newer criterion prefit. He's shot 58-61 with nothing under an inch, seating tests as well. Is it time to switch powder or bullet. He's got 130 gamechangers as well. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Best wishes
Try 140 and 156 Berger's I have had trouble getting the ELD-Xs and the ABLR to shoot. Move on and you will be happy also if you can find some Pixie Dust (RL-26) it seems to do very well in the 6.5 SAUM. Here is a recent thread dealing with this exact same subject.
To me, 143 ELD-X are hit or miss. Some rifles love them, some hate them.
I, too, would take sedancowby's advice, and try a Berger in the 140, 144, 153,3, or 156 flavor. I have tried all but the 153.3, and all are crazy accurate in numerous 6.5SAUMs w. H1000 or RL23.
Sounds good, I told him I have over a lb left of rl 26 and he's welcome to try it. Only issue I can see him running into is the majority of our hunting is in the big timber with shots inside 100 yds. Will those Berger's be ok and if so which 140 would you try?
Sounds good, I told him I have over a lb left of rl 26 and he's welcome to try it. Only issue I can see him running into is the majority of our hunting is in the big timber with shots inside 100 yds. Will those Berger's be ok and if so which 140 would you try?

Don't overlook the 139 scenar. It's a killin bullet close or far.
Tried both the Berger 140 VLD Hunting and Hornady ELD-X 143's. Berger's tightened right up after playing with seating depth, 61.5gr H1000 and .050 jump ended up working great in the Proof barrel. Couldn't get the ELD-X's to group so stuck with the Berger's.
I've had similar experience, just couldn't get the 143 ELDX to shoot well.
In order of preference, my 6.5 SAUM seems to like 153.5 Hybrids, 156 EH and then 140 EH. RL26 works well with the heavier bullets. The 140s were doing well with H1000. I particularly like the Berger Hybrids as they seem the most jump tolerant. Whether they will work on game seems to be an open question as they are relatively new. I have read numerous positive reports of performance on game for the 156 EH but don't have any personal experience on game.
Looking for some info regarding the 6.5 saum. A buddy has been working on loads for his with h1000 and 143 eldx. It's a newer criterion prefit. He's shot 58-61 with nothing under an inch, seating tests as well. Is it time to switch powder or bullet. He's got 130 gamechangers as well. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Best wishes
I am pushing the 143 ELD at 3100 fps with 61 grains of H1000 and .065 off the lands is where my sweet spot.
Never had any luck with the eldx bullets and obviously that barrel does not like them either. I buy 140 hybrids in bulk now and just did load work a gap 4s (Saum) rifle. H1000 is a great powder in the Saum.
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