Free CPS to worthy home.

I'm not asking to be considered because I don't need it.
I do hope it goes to a worthy home and I want to say I like what you're doing with the CPS. (a possible future customer that will speak well of you regardless if I never purchase anything)
I don't need it but what a nice gesture. Ya sometimes customers can be the worse, there's always plenty of people out there that will just dupe in order to save a buck. Sad.
I've been gathering parts for the volunteer fire department I am chief of to do a rifle raffle. Have top tier barrel and stock manufacturer committed. Adding something like this as an add on or second draw would be awesome and possibly draw more people in, if not claimed yet.

But our location is Lee County Kentucky. One of the most economically distressed areas of the country. Our local government has no funding to support the expensive nature of running a fire department (almost $3k per member just for gear to wear that only lasts 10 years), add on apparatus maintenance, other equipment such as extrication tools, etc...

Our fund raising was already down 95% for 2020 because of covid restrictions in place within the state, and put in place by state fire commission, then 2021 hit even harder. We were covered in ice for the half of February, then when the ice and snow started to melt, we also got hit by historic raining, being the city where the 3 tributaries of the Kentucky River come together, led to historic flooding which made national news ( The local business that normal make donations are fighting now just to reopen or rebuild. So I am forecasting almost no local fundraising funds, which typically makes up 85-90% of our total fundraising.
I don't know how to pm you. But if I can get contact information I would like to purchase raffle tickets when they come available. In the mean time I would like to make a donation to your department. Please pm me if you can. Thanks
I don't know how to pm you. But if I can get contact information I would like to purchase raffle tickets when they come available. In the mean time I would like to make a donation to your department. Please pm me if you can. Thanks
Yeah, not seeing "start a conversation" like normal when checking your profile. My department email is [email protected] thanks for your generosity
We had a customer call with a problem with their CPS. Apparently the handle "broke off." The customer had the attitude that there was something wrong with our design or we delivered a faulty unit. The nature of the problem didn't make any sense to me, but whatever. So we overnighted them a new CPS and a label to return the old one to us. We get the old CPS back... and this is what we find.



It's pretty obvious the guy didn't have the handle screwed in but a thread or two. Not sure how this is our fault, but ok. I guess some folks just don't want to take responsibility for anything. Suffice it to say, it's tough not to get bitter when customers treat you this way. The right thing to do when you screw up like this, is to be honest and pay for replacement parts. That shouldn't need to be explained to anyone.

Anyway, our loss is your gain. I'm giving this CPS away to a new home that deserves it. We fixed up the threads on the handle, and the previous customer also put some light scratches on the shuttles and the main body... but its superficial. This priming press works 100%. If you know someone that is in need of a new priming tool or if you yourself are in need, make your case! I'll be selecting my favorite of the submissions in this thread, and you'll receive this mistreated but fully functional CPS totally free of charge!
Hi there I've been a member for a few years, more of a lurker soaking up information. I was fortunate enough to grow up in Eastern Oregon prime deer and elk country so I'be hunted and gotten more than my share of critters. Not a long range guy just a hunter. Anyway my hunting elk pretty much ended when my legs were destroyed in the military. So I just put together a Savage switch barrel. I have a 6.5 Creedmoore and 6.5-284 Norma barrel. I quit hand loading years ago however I am putting together the equipment to start again as my goal is to reach 1k meters.I'm 64 and don't have lots of money so I have to save to get the high dollar items needed. Anyway I would love to have this. Have a great day and keep your powder dry. It's exspensive as hell now days.
Well I will give it shot I am 60 have trigger finger and arthritis in my fingers am currently using a rcbs hand primer and it sucks trying to prime
This would make a great Father's Day gift for my old man he has been having a lot of issues with squeezing stuff this would make his life way easier when loading he has 2 more knees surgery coming up and all he's been doing on his time off is loading to go shoot after he gets to walking again
Very generous offer orkan. I have looked at those several times debating if that should be my next upgrade purchase. I am not a candidate for the freebie but I have a good friend that would be deserving of it. He is currently deployed to Kuwait and returns shortly before the hunts start here. I am sure he would very much appreciate the upgraded priming to load up for his 3 boys ages 8-14. He has some back issues from too many jumps with a full load while in the service but makes do. A lot of those charities sound deserving but if you want it to go to an individual that would be very appreciative "Midget" (JD's nickname - yes he's short) would be a great choice. He's involved with scouting and mentoring young men as well as taking care of his fellow soldiers and their families. When anyone is in need, he's the first to show up to help out. Just a great guy all around.
I was going to write a long story about how this old guy with thousands of cases prepped for priming would love your gift to ease the task. Upon reading some of the requests you gave received I find myself unworthy compared to others. Therefore I would just like to offer my thank you to the others who have noted your thoughtfulness and kindness. THANK YOU !
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