Frankford Arsenal M-press. I’m not m-pressed!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2020
Sized the first case in my new M-press today. The shell holder assembly bent during the downstroke of the ram. It stripped the case rim and now the case is stuck in my die. For reference it was 30-06 in a Forster full length sizing die.

I did use a bit of force as the case was feeling a little sticky in the die. But nothing crazy and nothing the RCBS reloader special I've been using couldn't handle. I've used the dies set up the same way many times before and I followed all the instructions in setting up and using it.

not sure if the issue is due to weak materials, poor design, or maybe both. But I will be returning the press (thanks Midway) and not purchasing another.

My lesson American products 🇺🇸
That is dissapointing.... I have considered buying one since Forsters in good shape are very hard to find. I have heard nothing but good about them from reviews.
Had a similar experience, was sizing 223 and like you had one a little sticky but no excessive force and it stripped the screws out that held the shell holder plate on the press , I was concerned when I got it because it looked like a drunk monkey had put them in. I took the press apart and drilled and tapped it for larger screws and no more problems but I got a coax and should have got it to begin with.
I was lucky, nothing bent but I'm pretty sure the screws were cross threaded from the factory so didn't take much to pull them out. Think I'm just going to use it to deprime from now on.
I was lucky, nothing bent but I'm pretty sure the screws were cross threaded from the factory so didn't take much to pull them out. Think I'm just going to use it to deprime from now on.
Now I'm wondering if one of the screws on mine was loose in the middle of the could have allowed that part of the frame to lift up slightly and let the jaws come off axis and loose their grip. I thought they looked a little odd but didn't pay it too much attention.

I will say overall I'm bummed because it felt like a nice press and I was pretty excited to get it rolling.
Now I'm wondering if one of the screws on mine was loose in the middle of the could have allowed that part of the frame to lift up slightly and let the jaws come off axis and loose their grip. I thought they looked a little odd but didn't pay it too much attention.

I will say overall I'm bummed because it felt like a nice press and I was pretty excited to get it rolling.
I felt the same way, it felt well built but all the screws looked crooked and all the screws on mine popped out at the same time so you may just had one or two go and cause that to bend.
Dang. Mine just showed up and I'm really excited about it. I'll be on the lookout for issues. I was using a lee hand press until my elbows said NO so I was really looking forward to running that thing like a boss.
Dang. Mine just showed up and I'm really excited about it. I'll be on the lookout for issues. I was using a lee hand press until my elbows said NO so I was really looking forward to running that thing like a boss.
Don't get to discouraged, just check the screws that hold the the shellholder plate down. In my opinion thats the weak point. Mine were noticeably crooked.
Keep talking I'm listening,
I've seen these online and was wondering how they compare to a Forster Co-Ax.

I have been considering a Co-Ax other than price it's not available at present.

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