First Coyotes of Summer

Double Naught Spy

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Forestburg, Montague County, Texas
Hogs on my north Texas properties have disappeared of late. The ranchers are not seeing any recent damage either. However, the coyotes are still around.

I set on on a pipeline sendero that had been recently mowed. This runs through some old growth woods on the property that are a haven for the hogs according to the landowner. I have seen hogs retreat back into these woods and so figured they are probably nesting there and that I would be in a good place to call some out into the clearing. Nothing doing. After a couple of hours, coyotes showed up and an hour or so after that, I was invaded by cattle and so I moved on to the next property. No hogs there either, but another coyote happened to come trotting through for the last time...

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