First antelope


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2017
Finally got drawn for antelope for the first time. Had my eye on this fella for a bit, managed to get him yesterday. He gave us a bit of a run around with tall weeds and grass making it difficult to get an effective range then the herd took off and I lined up on the fence they were going under, as he ducked under I plugged one into him, making his stop and hump up on the far side then I gave him another to finish him off. He was about 350yds, never had time to range to I guessed.
I rough scored him at 76.5"
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'Grats! What zone are you in?

I'm in unit 4, which for antelope management has been combined with unit 2 offering a total of 25 tags. Thankfully we have now have a priority system (as of this year)! Great to see the numbers bouncing back though.

I saw a couple of small herds around a dozen and a healthy 30+ group while scouting for whitetail last week. Very encouraging!
I'm in wmz 3, they combined 6,7,and 3.
This guy actually lived in a 5 mile radius around my house, but he's had archery and muzzle loader guys after him and was he wild.
Wmz 4 is valmarie, Assiniboia country isn't?
I'm in wmz 3, they combined 6,7,and 3.
This guy actually lived in a 5 mile radius around my house, but he's had archery and muzzle loader guys after him and was he wild.
Wmz 4 is valmarie, Assiniboia country isn't?

Wow, crazy luck on the draw, and good hunting! Sounds like a fun shot you pulled off.

Had to look on the map for wmz 3 - I know shaunavon and east end but haven't ventured south of that. You're right on with wmz 4, we're north of Gravelbourg.

The goats up here have not seen pressure - I was able to roll the truck within 75yd of the biggest billy. Glad to hear you had to work for it a little!
Congrats from CO on your first lope! My first big game hunting was pronghorn and I love the difference between it and the deer or elk hunts. Love the chow, also.
My antelope made the Henry Kelsey record book at 75" and change. (The Kelsey is the sask record book)
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