ELDX 220gn 300winmag Elk hunt


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Hi guys
I was doing some experiments last weekend with the ELDX 220gn bullets in a 300winmag, firing them at some 250 and 400yards water bottles. The rifle loves this bullet. At 600y make 3 shots group in 3".
The muzzle speed was 2750ps average.
At 250y: 2496ps, 2489foot / pounds, 54% weight retention, it did not maintain integrity.
At 400y: 2162ps, 1867 foot / pounds, 66.2% weight retention, maintained integrity, without separating core.
Everything can be seen in the attached photos.
I am interested in using this bullet for elk hunting at moderate range, 500-600y max, and from what I could see, at that distance / speed, it should expand perfectly and maintain integrity.
It makes me doubt his behavior a little for a close shot if he shows up, say 100-150y.
I would be very grateful if anyone has had experience with this bullet, in a short distance elk hunt.
Thanks in advance.
I use the 225eldM in my custom chamber 300wm because the BC is SO much higher. Even the 212eldX has a higher BC than the 220.
I have tested the 2 above bullets in lots of things including water jugs, numerous whitetail, pigs and 2 elk. Also seen 2 elk shot with 178eldX from 30-06 with good results.

They all preform similar as a fast expanding bullet regardess of X or M jacket design(expands very similar to the Berger VLDhunting).

I would use them with confidence that if you put it in the chest cavity they elk will be lucky to take a step. Even if you need a hard qtr shot the heavier wieght of the 212,220 or 225 will get the job done.

Like you stated above I think they preform best at impact velocities from 2400-1800fps but still expand well down to 1600fps.
my close shot last year was 189yds on an elk broadside. the 225eldM went through both shoulder blades, the lower spine and still exited with a 2800fps impact. DRT

to conclude, close range(under 400yds) I would aim for soft tissue just behind the shoulder but If I need to break bone I am not scared to unleash one. They are a great bullet preforming well at a high range of velocity
I use the 225eldM in my custom chamber 300wm because the BC is SO much higher. Even the 212eldX has a higher BC than the 220.
I have tested the 2 above bullets in lots of things including water jugs, numerous whitetail, pigs and 2 elk. Also seen 2 elk shot with 178eldX from 30-06 with good results.

They all preform similar as a fast expanding bullet regardess of X or M jacket design(expands very similar to the Berger VLDhunting).

I would use them with confidence that if you put it in the chest cavity they elk will be lucky to take a step. Even if you need a hard qtr shot the heavier wieght of the 212,220 or 225 will get the job done.

Like you stated above I think they preform best at impact velocities from 2400-1800fps but still expand well down to 1600fps.
my close shot last year was 189yds on an elk broadside. the 225eldM went through both shoulder blades, the lower spine and still exited with a 2800fps impact. DRT

to conclude, close range(under 400yds) I would aim for soft tissue just behind the shoulder but If I need to break bone I am not scared to unleash one. They are a great bullet preforming well at a high range of velocity

There is nothing better than trying yourself.
I will try and see the results. Just in case, I have 180gn Sierra Pro-Hunter too, which has given me a good result.
Thanks for your comment.
WOW! Nice hoard!
Why have they stopped manufacturing the 180 Pro Hunter? (the famous 2150). it's a spectacular bullet. Shot at 3000ps, up to 500m is very accurate and effective.
several animals hunted, at different distances, and in all cases it was given to go through it or stay, but never with separation as with these ELDX (more modern and with more BC).
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