Easy Tick Removal - True or False?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Ok, you can see I have been in yard a lot! šŸ¤£ and getting ivy, oak rashes, and now my neighbor got into ticks which isn't surprising we are in country. I have heard of this really easy tick removal that seems to work but does it really work like some say?

The method is:
  1. Take liquid dish soap and apply all around on tick.
  2. Use a cotton ball or swab and gently rub in circles around on the tick with the liquid dish soap and after 30-60 seconds the tick is found in the cotton.
  3. Some places have recorded 100% full tick removal using this method.
I see this method debunked all the time but I am now hearing it does work so my question is has anyone used this method and if so, did it work?

So if someone can say it worked for them I think I am going to carry small vial of liquid dish soap and swabs on future hunting trips as a backup!
I hate ticks. Never tried your method. Now an ounce of prevention....
I tape my pants, etc, and use that nasty bug repellant spray in the yellow bottle.
Tick checks are key.
I know four people who contracted lyme and weren't discovered until advanced stages. What a horrible condition.
Back when I was younger, if the tick hadn't burrowed too deeply, we would heat the tip of a blade, touch it to the jaws of the tick. It *would* let go and fall off.
This method works.
I have been hunting here in VA for 30 years and always had trouble with tic's and chiggers. Once you get chiggers bad tic's become a lesser issue. The last 5 years I have been treating my hunting clothing in Sawyer Permethrin. This stuff just plain works Hunted about 15 days during spring gobbler this season and not one single tic. They jump on your clothes start twitching and die.

Mix 6 ounces in a gallon of water soak your clothes let them dry and go to the bush. I soak my bug skins and clothes probably 2 times a year you may be able to get by with once if you don't wash them a lot.

It was no problem for me to count 20 or 30 tic's on me in a day before this they would be in my truck in my house every where.

Good luck and shoot straight y'all
Lyme disease is everywhere now....personally know a guy contracted it 35 years ago....he was about 20...southwest coast of Oregon.....he had huge complications...died before he was 30.....ugly death...just keeps eating at you....
Know a lady from Canada got it....ruined her marriage...and with their socialized medicine couldn't get treatment....she had to come to the states for treatment...if it helped..who knows...

Have heard of the 'gel treatment'...anything that can create an air barrier so the tick cant breath....soap..vaseline..motor oil..babyoil.....something that disrupts the ability of the tick to breath....i wonder if submerged in water would do it.....
Heck...maybe dropping scolding hot water on your skin....might not get the tick out...but you'd be 'ticked off'....šŸ˜†
I've been covered in ticks a couple of times . the worst I've had them , I removed 17 . a couple were on a very tender spot . I went to the local veterinarian and bought a tick remover for pets , it works well . the one I have looks like a small measuring spoon with a "V" notch in it . you get a hold of the tick and slowly remove it . just like pulling a nail with a claw hammer . I can't remember who bought me a different style tick remover , it's called a tick key . I haven't tried it , I have good luck with the spoon . like the other guys have said the sawyer brand permethrin tick spray is the way to go , the stuff works .

Yep, the Sawyer product works. Spray your clothes (pants and shirts) and let it dry. I also helps keep mosquitos away. I spray my hunting clothes prior to each hunt.
Not sure about the soap. The tick key works pretty well. One of my 3 boys is a tick magnet. All three will be out in the same stuff, but he comes in with the ticks. Have to pull 3-4 a year not counting the ones not bit in yet. Need to try the permethrin.
Best tick defense is a good offense, permethrin, DEET (repellent), light colored clothing and always checking yourself. The tick keys works awesome. My 5 yr old had a nymph in his chin i thought it was a mole for a day it was so tiny. The tick key got it out. Coming from a guy whose been treated for Lyme for the last 6 months, take Lyme seriously it's a life changer. If anyone has any questions about ticks or Lyme feel free to pm me. Btw just because you test a tick or yourself and it's negative there is a good chance it's positive. There is not conclusive test! And only 15-20% have any bullseye rash or even find a tick so be careful
The danger with some methods is removal and leaving the head in you. Any method that makes the tick or chigger back out is best in my opinion. Ticks breathe through there skin and if you cut off their air they will back out and leave nothing behind.

We have lots of ticks and chiggers in the south, and what I like to do is as soon as you feel the bite. cover the tick with clear fingernail polish (It looks weird if you use red )o_O and he will back out but will die "Fast" and can be peeled of when the polish dries. This works very well on chiggers that are hard to see.

From the CDC:
icon of a tick

Avoid folklore remedies such as "painting" the tick with nail polish or petroleum jelly, or using heat to make the tick detach from the skin. Your goal is to remove the tick as quickly as possibleā€“do not wait for it to detach.

I heard all those things growing up too. Irritants such as heat or nail polish simply cause the tick to discharge contents into the victim, increasing likelihood of disease.

Also here is the CDC link on Lyme disease; all you need to know.
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