Done with 215 Bergers

Answer the question then? It's pretty straight forward, no? 10 yards, direct shoulder hit, complete pass through? We all know Bergers arent designed with bullet integrity in mind, and holding weight translates to penetration, especially on bigger, heavier boned animals at the muzzle, no? You cant BS, a BS'er...Or anyone who knows a bit about bullets and terminal performance.
Meat shoulder in bone out. 10 steps. Maybe next time I'll get a rangefinder and ask him to turn a little better and you'll not call me a Bullshitter? Unreal.

For the record I never came in here saying wether this is analogous to shooting an elk on the shoulder knot, that's ludicrous. I'm just actually shooting animals with 215 bergers unlike what 95% of people on this thread and how many people here have a 215 kill at 10 yards?

I wanted to see what happened, and decided to share it. Probably won't happen again.
I'm not talking to you about the deer...Deer are a lot different then elk and moose. I'm talking about elk and moose, at 10 yards, with a direct shoulder hit, and fully exiting. It's not happening with a berger bullet lol.
I do all 3, as well as shooting bullets into water jugs. You'll get to the 3rd or 4th jug of water at 25 yards with that 215 berger. With say a 200g AB you'll get to the 5th or 6th, and you still wont see an exit on an elks shoulder at 10 yards with the AB. So theres no way in hell a berger is doing it when it loses 70% of its weight and penetrates a 1/3 less than a 200g AB. It's pretty simple really...No need to sugar coat facts.
Yah, when you cant and wont answer the question, because someone who knows better called you out, that means I know a little more than you think I do haha. You're just mad because I call it how it is and dont sugarcoat the whole berger bullets are the greatest BS. Sorry, not sorry :)
I think it is. It was my Brother and Nephews wife shot them with 7 mag and 180 Bergers I loaded for.
I shot a tiny doe at 400 YDS yesterday with a 215, not sure what the bullet did but I had about 2" exit hole through the ribs on the off side and devastating wound. Hit it a little far back on purpose and it appears I still have a little meat damage to one of the front quarters but I haven't processed it yet.

I put my friend on a good muley buck yesterday also, and from 100 YDS she shot him really good with her .250 Savage, unfortunately got some bone in the front shoulder and her 100 gran bullet was not enough medicine. We ended up catching up with him 2 miles later and I had her shoot him with a 215 out of my 300PRC from about 100 YDS. It pulled the rug out from under him.

I am definitely more pleased with this projectile than the 168 7MM VLD which is the only other Berger bullet I have taken game with. After 3 shots fired and 3 animals down I think I am sold. I feel like even if the bullet grenades on a high shoulder shot it's carrying so much energy that it should shock them to death. Might be some meat loss on that deal.
250Savage not enough eh.........amazing stuff happens eh

I have zero and I mean zero doubt in any of those shots that my 22/250 with 55's to 63's (cnc) would of put all of them down shoulder or no shoulder right now!

I've long said, if you use something long enough that sooner or later it'll do something that makes you go hmm..
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