Doe Pee Debacles....


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2019
Well, my buddy was transferring some Code Red from a full 4 oz. bottle into a pump spray contraption and dropped the bottle, which shattered on the wet-bed tile of his newly remodeled kitchen floor. He just got a text from his wife who had been sleeping in. Sucks to be him.
When I bought fur in the late 70's early 80's there was a dealer that bought "skunk essence". The dealer, Ray something out of Grantsburg WI, he would sell kits for trappers to inject skunk caught in traps so they would hopefully die without spraying and another syringe to harvest the essence. Trappers would get more for the essence than the fur itself. Ray had a gallon of essence in a glass jar and it dropped on the floor shattering and causing quite an olfactory disaster, he lost a lot of money losing the gallon as it would have made a lot of perfume in France.
Oh boy that would be a disaster. A few years ago I had a tote made up of stuff for scrape hunting , droppers and bottles of scent . This young man I was working with while one day while we were out to lunch asked what was in that plastic box . So I started explaining all the stuff to him . I had a Tinks scent bomb in there also and he opened it up and I swear to god pulled the lid off and LICKED the doe in estrus saturated fabric . I just about lost my lunch and he actually did.🤣🤣
When I was in high school two fan buses for an opposing team at a home football game got fragrantly enhanced with Deer Scent. Apparently, the Deer Scent was just diluted skunk essence to be used as a cover scent. They had to drive the buses back to their garage empty and return with fresh buses.
When I was single in another galaxy, my landlord called me at my job all angry as get up. Seems my neighbors were complaining of a death stench from my apartment. I told him I would do my laundry when I got home😂. He wasn't amused. I drove home and opened door and yep AWEFUL! Seems a very old deer pee bottle gassed up blew top off and tipped over in my 2nd bedroom. It was foul beyond belief! Probably couple years old at least. Opened windows and doors for hours to clear out. He told me good thing I paid on time!

2nd maybe worse was couple of us were too rowdy at a Catskill hill town bar while eating dinner after bow hunting. Owner tossed us out but not before one of the guys doused a old hot water radiator with skunk essense. Nope, never went back!
Back when cover scents first came out there was a product called "Dead Horse". Don't know if anyone remembers it, but it was two part and had to be mixed. I was in high school at the time and thought maybe I should mix up some at home and not have to move so much setting up. You all can guess where I mixed the stuff up, yup, Mom's kitchen. Used one of her measuring cups so I could pour without spilling. When I got back home you would have thought I forgot to wash it out... That was not the case. Strong medicine, that stuff was. She was not happy, not at all. First skunk scents were the same way, two part, important lesson taught me to mix in the woods. Deer became more afraid of dead horses and skunks than people.
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