DIY custom turret for Leupold VX3


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2011
Just thought I would share a little tinkering I did the other morning. I just put a Leupold VX3 with CDS elevation dial on my 7mm RM back in November. I have been shooting the HSM factory ammo with 168gr Berger VLDs, which have shot MOA groups for me out to 400 yards (farthest I've shot). I do not have a custom dial for the scope yet, just the factory dial with 1/4 MOA marks, which is what I had been using.

The other morning I got a notion to tinker around and try to make a paper "tape" for the CDS cap. So I went to work with an Excel spreadsheet, ballistic calculator, and dial calipers. After carefully wrapping it and then covering it with packaging tape I came up with the following result, which should be good to about 800yards.d


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Then I got to thinking . . . . . .

Man it sure would be nice to have it done by a computer and even more clean and neat, and maybe with additional range on a second tier. So after a little trial and error on text size and line weights I came up with a pretty nice final product. I made the second rotaion (longer range) smaller marks and numbers and in the upper tier, and this has marks to 1150yds, which is farther than I will ever shoot or am probably capable of shooting, haha. It was a little difficult fitting it all in on such a short cap, it only has 0.24" of height to it, unlike many of the custom long range turrets you see like Huskemaw and Kenton. Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions


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I have been using label maker tape and a fine tip permanent marker for sometime now and thought it would just sweet to have a label maker that you type in your scope and type of turret on that scope, your ballistics information and have it print out a chart for scope. Lets go into business. I think it would be pretty simple to make. None of this 100 dollars for a new custom turret. Oh and P.S. its already patented.
I found a ballistic calculator in MS Excel format that i cross checked for accuracy with 3 other reputable ballistic calculators. Once i was confident that it was accurate i added some input parameters and formulas to it to convert the tables moa values to linear inches around my dial based on its diameter. Then i drew them up with drafting software and printed them off.
I am very new to the whole adjustable turret deal, so I was curious about the actual procedure for making the adjustment. I saw while watching Best of the West that they dial it up past the yardage and then come back down to the actual yardage with the Huskemaw scopes. Is this the same procedure I should use with the VX3? I read somewhere, may have been on here, that most scopes are turning back against the spring when going down, which is why you need to do it like that when the shot is longer than the current dial setting, but you do not need to when going to shorter yardage (already dialing down). Any advice would be great, thanks.
I do this all the time, but what I do is print normally in the smallest font the numbers can be onto sticky label paper and just cut them out an stick them in the right spot. This way I can put them where they need to go on the dial. its kinda redneck hokie and time consuming but it works. what I would really like to be able to do is print them all out on the label paper and have them spaced right so I could just peel the label off and put them in all in one piece.
You guys need to find someone with a CAD (Computer Automated Drafting) program - thank goodness my son has one at his office and knows how to use it.
They turn past the number then back to take out the backlash in the mechanism. There will always be some in every id/od threaded mechanism.
You guys need to find someone with a CAD (Computer Automated Drafting) program - thank goodness my son has one at his office and knows how to use it.

This is what I used to make my second turret tape. Much easier, cleaner, and more precise.
I've been doing this for a long time as well using Excel. I've gotten pretty good at it and the new laser printer helps! Here are a few of my latest:






I like including Mils or MOA as well when there is room (tough to fit on the March!). I love the speed and simplicity of the BDC for most uses, but having the actual units included as well means any time using the BDC isn't appropriate, you can figure your comeups however you normally would and dial the turret just like the BDC isn't there.
I've been doing this for a long time as well using Excel. I've gotten pretty good at it and the new laser printer helps! Here are a few of my latest:






I like including Mils or MOA as well when there is room (tough to fit on the March!). I love the speed and simplicity of the BDC for most uses, but having the actual units included as well means any time using the BDC isn't appropriate, you can figure your comeups however you normally would and dial the turret just like the BDC isn't there.

What program are you using?
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