Did anybody catch this on Fox ?

I have lived in Idaho most of my life. It is interesting to see the difference in the reactions from folks on this board. Personally, I don't care how he transports the cougar or what vehicle he took hunting. Perhaps his decisions were intended to draw attention? I still don't see a problem with that. Everyone snaps pictures of the bull elk or the buck and posts them on their FB page. Did his actions draw fire from those that oppose the things I treasure? Perhaps, but if what some of us do must remain a secret then I think it makes it easier to evoke an emotional response and easier to cast a shadow on the sport. When I load a critter on my atv I tend to drive it right up into the back of the truck for the ride home. It is easier to unload that way once I get home. It feels like some folks think I should carefully pack it into a non-descript cooler and remove all evidence of hunting to avoid offending anyone on the way home? All of this is to avoid drawing fire from the folks that wear their opinions on their shirts and shout down or cancel folks that disagree with them? I just can't think of an example where this logic has worked out well.
Well said brother, people should realize that most of us here are a "live and let live" kind of folks, all these city peeps commenting... Let's ya know who is who!
We all have different opinions on whats right or wrong or PC. I am tired of bending over to satisfy someone else's feelings. We hunt, we kill, we don't harvest unless mushrooms, we eat wild game, not apologizing how I transport my kills. I've been screamed at, been saluted, been threatened for animals in truck bed. I've had my truck vandalized by anti hunters while parked. Subsequently caught them which is another story.

I'm done giving up one more inch to placate someone's feelings. We kill to live whether indirectly at grocery store or directly through our own means. I do not ask for anyones approval to do so nor do I need it. It seems everyone wants approval or give approval of how they live their lives. Nope, not needed.
I gotta hear the story about the vandals.
Lamborghini needs a bigger trunk is all. Couple friends a few years ago needed a bigger truck/topper was full up. Had to put a couple on top. Haha
