Curtis Silwa - War on Rats


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2020
Montana - Suburbia
Curtis proposes using cats to control NYC's rat problem.

Should Curtis approach me for guidance, I would propose issuing the cats or others with red berets & suitable weaponry having exemptions from NY state & NYC gun laws.

A concern - "show me a cat that eats mice & I will show you a cat that has bad breath" - Garfield, circa 1980's. Probably applied to house pets.

Rodents, including the common Norway rat - of issue in NYC, have been a serious, centuries long problem for humans - gnawing, filth, disease spreading, crop destruction, granary infestation/contamination, infrastructure destruction - a menace to human society - like vector spreading Black Death (plague).

I will continue my rodent removal efforts to ensure the welfare of humankind & am pleased that Curtis shares my thinking on the rodents & certain other issues.

Chemical solutions present collateral damages and long-term safety & environmental concerns regarding aquafer and food contamination & accidental ingestion.

Curtis might consider recruiting Montana & Wyoming badgers to train & instill ferocity, which will be required for success with NYC's rat/rodent problem.
NYC, a failing big city with amok bureaucrats. The rats are an indication a failing social system - bureaucrats following destructive political policies and rewarded with position, wealth & power.

This is sort of like I saw during a 3-day stopover in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh city) in 1965 before they sent me off to a site near the central high lands. I was put up in what would have been a 4 star hotel, floor 3. Elevators no go - frequent power outages. Took stairs & every level including between floors had a cage type rat trap with a catch. The traps were dropped into a 55-gallon water drum & rats dropped in garbage pile. Local LE referred to as "white mice". Ugly.

Decades later, living in Washington, near a location named "cougar gulch" - there was always a resident cougar there. No rats, keep small cats & dogs inside, periodic sightings causing local lock downs. Crafty big cats earning their living among suburban humans - controlled deers & no rats.
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Introduce wolves in NYC. City folks always think that is a good idea where they don't live. Should be a good idea where they do.

I see your wolves and I raise you all the problem bears we can ship from the Alaska Peninsula. Then we'll couple that with all the problematic cougars from Eastern Washington and Oregon. Solve the rat and homeless problem in about 2 weeks.