Curious Question: 300RUM


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2019
Could someone reach 3000-3050 MV in a 28" barrel with the 245bergers

3100ish with 230s

3150-3200 with 215s

Just curious if this MV is doable without frying your brass too fast. Me and a relative was discussing it and I have no experience with RUM. So I am reaching out to yalls experience/knowledge.
A 30" barrel would get those numbers quite easily, however, I doubt that the 2" reduction in barrel would get those numbers with normal powders.
I run a 338 Edge with a 30" barrel and I get those numbers with only 2 powders, RE33 and US869. Obviously the larger bore gets higher velocities easier, but you have to load smart. I got serious pressure excursions with mine at first, a chamber change was the only fix.

30 Sherman Magnum will top out at 3000' with a 26" barrel. I run mine right at 3000 with a 28" barrel and get good case life.
This is an improved 300 PRC version with ADG brass. You can shoot factory PRC loads very accurately in a pinch and to fire form brass.
Yes we discussed or I was telling him about the Sherman rounds, would really like to try them but I nor does he fire form brass. Just not to that point yet. Those rounds are nice and enjoy reading about them.
I hit 3150 in a 300 RUM with and 26" barrel and the Berger 230s and rl33. It was a fairly hot load, so I backed it down to 3050 with the same accuracy.
30 Sherman Magnum will top out at 3000' with a 26" barrel. I run mine right at 3000 with a 28" barrel and get good case life.
This is an improved 300 PRC version with ADG brass. You can shoot factory PRC loads very accurately in a pinch and to fire form brass.
My 300 norma improved which holds 12gr more than your 300sm with lapua brass barely does this. The 300sm case is in NO reference to a 300 rum. It has 16 grains less powder capacity and operates at 75k plus psi to get your velocities Rich. Your improved cases only warrent the velocity increases in smaller bores which represent overbore characteristics. I appreciate your work and engineering trials and tests. But you've just created stouter geometry to handle more psi by making the case stick to the chamber better. To achieve these super high velocities to small gain in powder space is because of BIG pressure. There's a reason you require rws, adg, lapua, peterson brass. Anything else cannot hold a primer after one firing.

I have 2 soon to be 3 of your designs, 25sst, 6.5 max and 7mm max. The sst has 70gr capacity in small bore, it'll go fast with normal psi, the 6.5 holds 77gr capacity in smaller bore, it'll go fast. The 7mm hold 78gr capacity and does NOTHING more than what a 7mag will do in adg brass. Load your cases to 65k psi and less, and the improvements will be minimal in the 7mm and bigger chambers. Sorry I just get tired of hearing these claims of my case gets this ridiculous speed sith tiny charge weight! That's cuz it's too good go be true, some you're loads are likey approaching 80k psi chamber pressure, and that sh!ts just plain stupid and dangerous.

Sorry rant over..........
Well this went a different direction then expected.

Ty for your opinion.

My issues and our debate is looking at a 300 Norma and then a 300 Run the Rum has a lot more case capacity but yet a lot of ppl are shooting really the same MV as ppl with the 300 Norma, and we were looking at pushing the big grain pills as fast and as accurate as we could in a 28" barrel but just looking around a couple forums at the loads ppl have shared it seems you get lil to no increase with the extra capacity that the RUM offers over the Norma. If we can't push the lead faster with the extra capacity then the 300 norm seems to be a better pick! Understand the drop in returns but it seems steep.

Now I am wondering if you say both loaded in ADG brass and can handle the more psi better if u can start seeing more return on investment of powder
Well I guess for me it's easy. I have several 300 Rums and lots of components. The brass works for me in the 338 Edge . So it's a no brainer for me .
I have several buddy's with both the 300 norma and 338 norma . They seem to like what they have .
You have a tough choice ahead of you !
Good luck !!

Rum Man
Could someone reach 3000-3050 MV in a 28" barrel with the 245bergers

3100ish with 230s

3150-3200 with 215s

Just curious if this MV is doable without frying your brass too fast. Me and a relative was discussing it and I have no experience with RUM. So I am reaching out to yalls experience/knowledge.
I have a 28 in. Bartlien barrel and with 215 Berger's in getting ave. 3132 fps with 92.5 grs. N570. No pressure signs . sd 5 es 11.
My 300 norma improved which holds 12gr more than your 300sm with lapua brass barely does this. The 300sm case is in NO reference to a 300 rum. It has 16 grains less powder capacity and operates at 75k plus psi to get your velocities Rich. Your improved cases only warrent the velocity increases in smaller bores which represent overbore characteristics. I appreciate your work and engineering trials and tests. But you've just created stouter geometry to handle more psi by making the case stick to the chamber better. To achieve these super high velocities to small gain in powder space is because of BIG pressure. There's a reason you require rws, adg, lapua, peterson brass. Anything else cannot hold a primer after one firing.

I have 2 soon to be 3 of your designs, 25sst, 6.5 max and 7mm max. The sst has 70gr capacity in small bore, it'll go fast with normal psi, the 6.5 holds 77gr capacity in smaller bore, it'll go fast. The 7mm hold 78gr capacity and does NOTHING more than what a 7mag will do in adg brass. Load your cases to 65k psi and less, and the improvements will be minimal in the 7mm and bigger chambers. Sorry I just get tired of hearing these claims of my case gets this ridiculous speed sith tiny charge weight! That's cuz it's too good go be true, some you're loads are likey approaching 80k psi chamber pressure, and that sh!ts just plain stupid and dangerous.

Sorry rant over..........
Lots of guys shooting the 30 SM with the same results. Oh ya. even with Hornady brass. Normally when I hear this, its from people who dont own one. and thats ok! Nice to have options,,🙂
I have some Hornady 300 PRC brass that Ive fired 8 times at 3050' with 230 Hy and still holding primers just fine. BTW!
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