Creedmoor, hornady recipes

I know the powder is H4350, I think the 140 uses 38,5 and the 120 uses 41.5 hopefully someone will chime in if I'm a little off.
the 120 factory a-max load list varget, don't remember the charge weight.
From the boxes:

140 A-Max @ 2.810" OAL, 41.5gn H4350, 210M

120 A-Max @ 2.715" OAL, 39.0gn Varget, 210M

The 120 A-Max factory ammo shot very well out of my gun (Sav 12 LRP); my initial efforts just basically duplicating the factory 140 load shoot at least as well - under 1/2 moa @ 100yds, 1/3-1/2 moa @ 300yds thus far.
I shot the factory 129gr Interbond Hornady Superformance through the chrony and came out at 2943 fps. Factory rating is 2950fps. But there is no load data on side. Anyone pull one of these bullets and see what load they are using?

yea, yea, I'm reviving an old post.
Thanks, that gets me a lot closer. The factory loads are 30$/box online and 43$/box at Academy. The nice Redding dies were 331$ and had to special order. OUCH!
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