Couple shooters this year.

He doesn't have enough height or number of tines to score that high. In velvet it's hard to judge thickness but by his neck and body size I would judge him around 4-5 years old. He'll probably go 150

Makes sense. That pic was from July 25. Any thoughts on more growth. 1-2 weeks left???
Makes sense. That pic was from July 25. Any thoughts on more growth. 1-2 weeks left???
I usually figure by end of July a person has a pretty good idea of what they'll be. They'll grow some more, I think they grow until they start shedding velvet?
I got the wide deer in our early rifle season.


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Both of them look like they have bad genentics.....they are not very symmetrical.....Tell you what, my tags available for the one you don't get, and I'll help you can clean up the gene pool in your area. :D :rolleyes:
Nice bucks! I hope you can pull one down this year.

I removed him from the gene pool :)
Congratulations! That's an awesome Wa. Buck! My tag is still open for the other one, if you need it.....just saying.:)
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