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It's stressful as a gun owner. You follow the laws and enjoy the sport. Yet all the while you know we are one bad election away from losing our rights. One crazy misusing a firearm should have zero impact on the law abiding. I fear this next election could be a bad one. I guess the best I can say is get out and vote.
So if you own one with chokes you have to cut the choke off and put the bead back on. Or solder a permanent choke in.
How many crimes are committed with 12ga hunting shotguns.
It's stressful as a gun owner. You follow the laws and enjoy the sport. Yet all the while you know we are one bad election away from losing our rights. One crazy misusing a firearm should have zero impact on the law abiding. I fear this next election could be a bad one. I guess the best I can say is get out and vote.
And yet they wan't to let the criminals out early,go figure.
Just disarming citizens incrementaly
So if you own one with chokes you have to cut the choke off and put the bead back on. Or solder a permanent choke in.
How many crimes are committed with 12ga hunting shotguns.
Ite been smuggled in hand guns by far very, few stolen guns according to stats
Just like here in the US. Handguns commit most all the gun crime. Yet they don't talk about banning pistols. Just mean powerfull black guns. Like the 223 or 5.56 is real powerfull. Are you still allowed to carry a pocket knife. Look how far London has taken it. Politicians are getting redonculous. They are never going to stop taking our rights away.
Just like here in the US. Handguns commit most all the gun crime. Yet they don't talk about banning pistols. Just mean powerfull black guns. Like the 223 or 5.56 is real powerfull. Are you still allowed to carry a pocket knife. Look how far London has taken it. Politicians are getting redonculous. They are never going to stop taking our rights away.
I have a bit of everything so either way they can screw me over!
Has anyone seen what the "fair" compensation is yet?

They are never going to stop taking our rights away.

nope, they've been at it since they wrote the constitution. the demoturds won't be able to ban weapons with the 2A still in place. they would have to revoke the amendment which is tough. they're happy to erode them slowly and/or chip away at little at a time. ban magazines, ban the ownership of springs, ban owning a pistol grip, etc. their favorite way would be to tax everything like they tried to do with the NFA tax stamp.
Folks, you are missing that this is just the latest step in turning Canada into the first Muslim country in the Americas.

A country with a small population, vast land mass and resources is the perfect target.

The minister of immigration, a Muslim, plans to import 1,000,000 refugees/year (code for Muslims)

They outbreed non-Muslims about 8 to 1. Two generations at most they will be in charge. Then they'll have a launching pad for subverting the rest of the Americas.

Go to Toronto, you'll think you're in Iran !

The minister:


Yes this is Toronto !

nope, they've been at it since they wrote the constitution. the demoturds won't be able to ban weapons with the 2A still in place. they would have to revoke the amendment which is tough. they're happy to erode them slowly and/or chip away at little at a time. ban magazines, ban the ownership of springs, ban owning a pistol grip, etc. their favorite way would be to tax everything like they tried to do with the NFA tax stamp.
Mexico's constitution defends gun ownership, but they have managed to make private gun ownership the same as illegal. So pretty much only the cartels and the federales have guns, and they have LOTS of them. Disarming the citizens has made the cartels unimaginably powerful, and the federales who have armed up to battle them are easily corrupted. Few people are safe in Mexico unless they just keep their head low and don't make waves.

It is quite annoying but purposeful that anti-gun Americans keep pointing to Canada as an example of where gun control "works", but refuse to talk about Mexico. Canada is smaller than California. I ask those same people why they won't look at Mexico for their example, which is about the size of Russia at 120-130 million. Anti's don't want to admit it, but they are as racist as they accuse old white gun owners of being. They don't think Mexico is a relevant example because they're, well . . . you know, Mexicans.
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Folks, you are missing that this is just the latest step in turning Canada into the first Muslim country in the Americas.

we're well on our way, there's 2 muslims in the house and many more in local governments. there's really nothing we can do since half the voters in this country support a party that they have infiltrated.
Not even comparable. Our Federal government is not enabling an invasion.

When the SHTF they will be quickly dealt with.

Only 20% of the electorate are complete Dimmicrap loons. The rest are Democrats out of habit. Once they see the direct threat to them, they will wake up.

Of course the Chinese may perfect their genetically linked killer virus first (the one that kill non orientals) and the Muslims will be dead along with the rest of us.
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