california x9a


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
hi guys, I drew a California X9A tag this year and I haven't got a clue where to start. does anybody have any pointers or honey holes they would like to share with me? I will be going sept 19- 25th. thanks in advance
You're from Wyoming but wanting to hunt California? That seems a bit backwards, lol. Anyway, I have been putting in for X9A for 4 years now and haven't been drawn. I have some friends that know it well, and they say to either go way high, wait for a good storm to push them down, or hunt the eastern sage flats. If you go to Jesse's Hunting forum you might get some good info. There are a lot of X9A hunters on that site... Check out Reagan's Sporting Goods on Facebook for motivation, they post bucks coming out of there every year.
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