California hunting


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Been hunting for a while. Nice to get back and read up. I will be going to Sacramento next week for two months. I will be leaving opening day of the rifle deer at home. I've been wondering what I can hunt in California (relatively close to Sacramento). Coyotes, hogs, tree huggers?? I would be grateful for any advice!!
I'd reccomend tree huggers, last I heard they were very plentiful down there.
I heard a good way to do it is to fire up a chain saw, or a bulldozer, and then set up near it like you would a bait station, conceal yourself really good, and wait. They will show up. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I wish I could help you. The tree huggers and the liberals have destroyed California. There are so many great places to hunt and shoot, however, you never know who might arrest you for shooting or hunting. I hope one day I will be able to leave this Communist State, It's being taken over by illegal alliens and leftwing idiots!!! Anyhow, I hope you find a place to shoot and hunt.

Since I live there, as far as hogs go I have no clue... Not into hog hunting yet but you'll have to go costal for any decent action. Deer season is currently open in the D3-5 zones which is close to you. A popular place for deer will be up 50 at the Cystal Basin/Ice House (many roads and what not for you to have access to deer there if you're willing to actually hunt)... I know quite a few people go up 80 to the Forest Hill area. I probably wont be able to hunt the zone until closing weekend which is the 29th because I'll be stuck up in North East X3b zone fighting the snow but I hope to come out with a nice buck but I'll take a young buck at this point lol. Those are really the only areas I can say for sure without totally getting you lost. One last spot would be to go up 50 to Sly Park, (the left takes you to gas and a taco bell, and the right takes you towards the lake) You drive to the lake and keep going until you find mormon emigrant gap/road which will basically take you around the perimiter of the lake once youg et past the lake 1 mile or so it's all open hunting up to highway 88 which is where i personally hunt. Hope that little info helps it'll be about a 2-3 hour drive~
Thanks Brandon. I'm leaving this weekend. I'll be attending Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School for eight weeks. The class runs 8-5 five days a week, so I'll have evenings and weekends free. I'll be leaving home on the opener of the deer hunt here. It's a relief to find I'll still be able to hunt. However, I'm not sure what I'd do with a carcass. Bring it back to the dorms?

I love to hunt coyotes also. Is there anywhere to hunt coyotes relatively close to Sac? The pigs interest me simply because I can't hunt them at home. I also usually carry a handgun in my truck. I know the laws at home, but what do I need to do to be legal in Cali?
Regarding your handgun in the car, remeber you are in the Peoples Republic of California. You will need to keep your clips and handgun locked and the ammo in a different area seperated from eachother. Basically, if you need to use your handgun to protect yourself, you will have to, #1-unlock the place were your gun is in the car, #2-Go to the other area in the car where you are storing your ammo, #3- load your clips, #4 place the clip in your gun, and then last but not least #5 rack one in the chamber and there you go, your ready to protect yourself. California is ridiculous when it comes to it's gun laws. I have a concealed weapons permit due to my job, however, when I did not have a concealed weapons permint, I still carried my gun, loaded, in my car. Good luck in California, it's a beautiful state, but I am afraid it will soon be turned into a Communist State and overrun by illegal aliens.

same applies for all your guns really. Keep the ammo seperate and the gun in a case of some sort as far a legality goes while transporting it. The carcass I'm not sure, bring it to a butcher and ask them to donate it to the meat for the hungry program? I know california has it I just have never looked into it (they'll grind all your meat up and give to the homeless/needy shelters) Pigs is year around here, but I just don't know of many places to hunt them.. Coastal areas are the best, I know a place called spenceville wildlife area (next to Beale AFB, Wheatland/Lincoln) holds SOME, they are rare but they're there... It has strict hunting season and it's a shotgun only area. Coyotes are everywhere, but the really local areas are once again shotgun only I'm fairly sure because of how close in town limits you are... Once you get into the hills though rifle is ok.
Thanks gentlemen. The carry laws are beyond me. In Utah, the law is three moves to fire. Which means the 1911 has an empty chamber, and the revolver has two empty chambers. These are measures I can deal with. At least I could still defend myself if necessary.

The carry laws are an eye opener. I understand the second ammendment guarantees us the right to "keep and bear arms". Not keep and bear two empties in Utah, unloaded and locked up seperate from ammo (so as to render completely useless),in California, etc. etc.

It is a sobering reminder those who seek to strip us of our freedom have gained ground. It's a shame to think there are parts of our country I don't want to go, because my rights won't be respected.

So, just to make sure I understand, my handgun is to be locked in a case (glove box count?), the magazine unloaded, and the ammo stored in another part of the car? Rifles and shotguns are to be kept in cases and the ammo kept seperately? Wow. Sounds suspiciously like Canada.

I echo the sentiment that CA is ridiculous a far as any right to keep and bear arms - no such law in mind or on paper exists there in the People's Republic /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif It reminds me of New Jersey, where I grew up and GOT OUT as soon as I could. But some folks have been so propagandized that they don't know any differently, unfortunately. Even though the carry laws don't favor the law abiding, I do hear the hunting is great in Northern California. I've yet to experience it, but look forward to doing so one day.
If you go here it will show you all of the wildlife areas were you can hunt. Pigs on public land are extremely scarce. I have only seen one herd of pigs but that was about two hours before sunrise. The D3-5 deer season is open till the end of the month, But it will be very tough to find a deer unless you catch some weather or somebody puts you on a good spot. Coyotes will probably be your best bet. Alot of these wildlife areas are full of yotes, but a lot of them have been educated so they are very call shy. If you decide to bring your shotgun there is quite a few thing you can do. Waterfowl season and quail season open this weekend, and dove, pheasant and fall turkey season all open next month.
I'll even go as far as to give you some areas to hunt. From 50 you take sly park as I mentioned, go down mormon emigrant road quite a ways until you come to a huge brown sign that says Silver Fork Road left, take that left go down that road until you hit a cattle guard in middle of road and you can park in that area and anywhere on the left or right into that wilderness I've shot quite a few bucks. Lot's of quail, turkey, bear, and yotes in that area to keep you jumping along with deer
Good luck with the pigs, they're basically impossible to find on public land. How ever for a small fee 0f $3-$500 you can go to a coastal county and pay to do some varmint control for some rancher. It's amazing what pigs can do to the land. It's even more amazing how greedy people can get. I've never paid to hunt like that, I've also never seen a pig on public land that is open to hunting and I work on plenty of public land through out the year. I'm a noxious weed biologist for the State and my area runs from Lake Isabella in Kern County to Tule Lake on the Oregon Boarder and I have never seen a pig on public land. Private ranches are loaded with them though. As far as I'm concerned it's not the liberals that are ruining this state so much as the developers. I grew up bird hunting in the ag fields of San Joaquin County and more and more of them are posted. I dreamed of taking my son to the orchard I learned to hunt dove in but guess what that orchard is gone and they are building million dollar custom homes in the area now. 20 years ago you would see shotguns in gun racks driving down main street now you see mercedes and starbucks. Crops can chacnge or go fallow but land never gets undeveloped, we have to slow the growth and expansion in this stupid state before we're nothing but houses. Orange County only has one surviving orange orchard, I mean come on!!! I live in Sacramento, while you are in the area you should go see the birds on some of the wildlife areas that should really impress you if the weather pushes them down. The Sac VAlley Shooting Center out near Ione has a 1000 yard range, I've never been there but it's only about 30 minutes from Sac. Good luck with the deer, I have no advice in that area.
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