Bushing die help (243)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Lizton, IN
I'm getting the Redding 243AI bushing die. My Shilen barrel has a .270" neck and I've turned my cases to 12 thousandths neck thickness. I'm not anal about neck tension (I've heard anywhere 1-3 thousandths), I just want consistency. Any advice on bushing diameter?
I'm getting the Redding 243AI bushing die. My Shilen barrel has a .270" neck and I've turned my cases to 12 thousandths neck thickness. I'm not anal about neck tension (I've heard anywhere 1-3 thousandths), I just want consistency. Any advice on bushing diameter?

You need to make a dummy round first with its neck already turned. Then measure outside neck with a vernier a.k.a. caliper. Measureing it without the bullet will give you false readings.
You need to make a dummy round first with its neck already turned. Then measure outside neck with a vernier a.k.a. caliper. Measureing it without the bullet will give you false readings.

Ditto. Make up a dummy load (turned neck, seated bullet) and measure the neck diameter. Order a bushing .001 or .002 smaller, depending on the neck tension you want.
My dummy measured right at .268", so I ordered a .266" bushing. I probably should have taken another thou or two off the brass, but the measurements seemed right at the time. I'll see how it works out once the barrel is on prior to loading anything up.
+1 what mikecr said, as brass will or can spring back some

Makes sense. Since I already pulled the trigger on ordering the .266 on back of an outgoing order, I'll see how that works in real life before ordering more (with shipping). I was kind of surprised how much each bushing cost.

Of course as I have found when getting into a "specialty" cartridge, everything adds up. :)
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