Building a 22 creedmoor to optimize 88eld

Have you decided which contour you're going with? I'm assuming you're going Rokstok/rs1.2 and a 24-26" barrel so our guns will be near identical (other than mine having the bolt on the correct side). Curious what total weight you're shooting for. My current 22cm in the KRG Bravo is 9.3lbs loaded.
Pretty much identical 😂

I'm thinking taperless .750 at 25". Maybe fluted. Currently my 22" tikka profile is a little too light in an alterra with rs 1.2. I'd like the barrel to be right around 3lbs and wish I could do 26". Not so much about the velocity as getting the weight out there and keeping the blast farther away from my face.

Don't recall what my current weight is but there is a certain "feel" I'm going for with recoil impulse and I need another 6-10oz and longer barrel to get there.