Big Sky Montana


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
Philadelphia Pa.
Was at the doctors office while there was reading a current issue of OUTSIDE Magizne, had an article on THE BEST PLACES TO BUY Recreational Real Estate with were buy.
The articale gave a glowing recommendation, so now will see the property prices going up un that area of Montana so watch out
Was at the doctors office while there was reading a current issue of OUTSIDE Magizne, had an article on THE BEST PLACES TO BUY Recreational Real Estate with were buy.
The articale gave a glowing recommendation, so now will see the property prices going up un that area of Montana so watch out

I doubt that property values will be going up much in Big Sky. This area has been hit hard by the recession. I used to do a fair mount of work (construction) in Big Sky and it's all but stopped. There have been a lot of forclosures up there in the last couple of years. Big Sky is a resort area and many or most of the property owners up there are/were out of staters who only visited seasonally, usually during ski season. Their money and assets disappered when the stock market crashed.

If you're looking for some reasonable ski resort property, Big Sky is a good place to find it.
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