Are you kidding me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2013
I've been searching the interwebs for brass and I found this...

I hope the insanity ends soon.


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The only way the insanity is going to stop is for all of us to stop buying ammo at these ridiculous prices. I was at a gun show 2 weeks ago and they were selling 100 pacs of CCi minimags for 20bucks.....50 rd boxes of .22mag were 25 bucks. I have to say though that I did not see anybody buying them. AJ
The only way the insanity is going to stop is for all of us to stop buying ammo at these ridiculous prices. I was at a gun show 2 weeks ago and they were selling 100 pacs of CCi minimags for 20bucks.....50 rd boxes of .22mag were 25 bucks. I have to say though that I did not see anybody buying them. AJ

wrong when's your next federal election
I can shoot centerfire .22's for less than that, which is why I am considering buying a .223 and shooting lead bullets loaded to rimfire velocity for cheap practice.

I have several nice .22 rimfires and they are going to stay retired until rimfire ammo prices come back to earth. The rimfire shortages pre-date the Newtown madness by quite awhile and are, IMO, waaaaaaaay more out of line than what is happening with the centerfire stuff.
.223 LC brass 7.2 cents, Remington FMJ projo 9.5 cents, Fed primer 3.5 cents, powder around 10.0 cents. You can load the brass at least ten times this will lower the costs to around twenty four cents per round. 22 rimfire at these prices are insane.
Heck, I have 5 boxes. Yippie!! this is better than the stock market. Look out Warren Buffet!!

Sad, very sad. And no I am not going to sell mine. Going to shoot them up this summer.

But the good news is - Remington put an big addition on their ammo plant so we will be seeing more this summer.
I have to give props to my LGS. I bought a box of 325 for $21 about 3 weeks ago.. Hes has stayed honest every since this mess has started and thats why its always hard to find a parking place.
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