Another take on "Oldie but Hilarious"


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
Oxnard, CA
I sent the "Oldie but Hilarious" story to a friend in WI. Here was his reply:

A good friend of mine allowed someone who he did not know to hunt deer on his land. My friend was working out of sight of the deer that was shot by this visitor. My friend heard one shot, and about 45 minutes later the hunter came out of the woods covered in blood etc. The deer he shot was hit but not killed When the hunter approached the deer, the deer attacked, and the hunter had not chambered a second round in his rifle. The hunter then used his rifle stock to hit the deer multiple times but during the process the lost one tooth and had facial trauma. My friend took him to the hospital, and all went well. Conclusion: Drink wine instead of hunting.
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