Another Chupacabra!!!

Double Naught Spy

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Forestburg, Montague County, Texas
The mythical chupacabra (or is it 'chupacabras'?) are widely reported in Mexico, Central America, and the southern US, but whenever I have seen where they have been actually killed by some farmer and identified as such, they are always some sort of mangy canid. They are also reported in the Carribbean. I suspect that of the mainland reports, most are coyotes based on their size and head shape, but it can be hard to tell from TV video or still images. The chupacabra are hairless or nearly hairless because they are suffering from severe sarcoptic mange.

I think I have shot 4 or 5 now that are in this bad of shape. This coyote was nearly completely denuded, but was doing fairly well considering how bad of shape it was it. The others that I have killed had open wounds on their bodies from coming in contact with sharp materials (thorns, fences, etc.) and from trying to relieve themselves by vigorously scratching where they itched. This one did not. However, it did have the large yellow/white patches of skin that is indicative of extensive tunneling by the mites in those areas.

One should not handle coyotes with mange, particularly like this one. The sarcoptic mite can transfer to humans and cause a condition know as scabies or scabies rash. It is extremely unpleasant. If you do handle them, wear rubber/latex/nitrile gloves and do not allow the carcass to come in contact with clothing to where the mites may transfer.

DNS, noticed you are using the Defender 107 TMK, just found this company and will be trying some. I assume you are having good results with it, would it be suitable on heaver game (pigs and deer) at reasonable distances? TIA.
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