ADG Dimpling at the shoulder after resizing 🤔

So, on my 300 PRC ADG brass after full length resizing once fired new brass I have 10% of the 100 dimpling at the shoulder. My first thought is what the heck went wrong on my part. After inspecting dies etc I can't find anything out of the ordinary and have never had it happen with any other brass.

I honestly can't figure out why it would do this. Maybe to hard ? If that's a possibility. Not having enough give when resizing on specific individual ones. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Thoughts ?
If those dents are all the way around. Your die is too deep back it off.
Do not know why Redding do not use a vent hole, life would be easier with one.

I sent a Redding 260 Rem Fl die back because of this, along with 5 pcs. of fired brass. The tech tried it and got the shoulder dents with my brass AND their brass. They sent a new die and problem solved. I asked why they didn't put a vent hole in their dies.....the response was "because the other guys do". Go figure.
So, on my 300 PRC ADG brass after full length resizing once fired new brass I have 10% of the 100 dimpling at the shoulder. My first thought is what the heck went wrong on my part. After inspecting dies etc I can't find anything out of the ordinary and have never had it happen with any other brass.

I honestly can't figure out why it would do this. Maybe to hard ? If that's a possibility. Not having enough give when resizing on specific individual ones. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Thoughts ?
I sent a Redding 260 Rem Fl die back because of this, along with 5 pcs. of fired brass. The tech tried it and got the shoulder dents with my brass AND their brass. They sent a new die and problem solved. I asked why they didn't put a vent hole in their dies.....the response was "because the other guys do". Go figure.
Excessive lubrication? Vent hole blocked, dirty die?
So, on my 300 PRC ADG brass after full length resizing once fired new brass I have 10% of the 100 dimpling at the shoulder. My first thought is what the heck went wrong on my part. After inspecting dies etc I can't find anything out of the ordinary and have never had it happen with any other brass.

I honestly can't figure out why it would do this. Maybe to hard ? If that's a possibility. Not having enough give when resizing on specific individual ones. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Thoughts ?
You're using too much lube. That's what causes it.
Nope...none of those. Just something about the internal dimensions was causing it so they say.
So you're implying that
  1. You do not have a vent hole in your die, and
  2. You have trimmed all cases below the 2.580 max SAAMI length and the problem has disappeared?
Yes, sir !
None of my dies have a vent hole. I have dented some 22-250 due to excess lube early in my loading.
I decap all brass before sizing today, so no entrapment of air, but I didn't think it was necessary anyway. JMO...
Hoping the trimming keeps you going now. Check OAL of brass often. The dented brass you have are fine to shoot if you're ready to load.
Good luck!
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