7mm 180gr SMK 1:9?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
Has anyone tried these in a 1:9 barrel that was chambered in something like a 7mm WSM or smaller?

I shoot a 7mm wildcat that is pushing the 180 gr Bergers just shy of 3000 fps. With the SMK having such a reputation of consistency and being a little cheaper I thought they may be worth a try.

I may have to extend the throat on my barrel a little to really take advantage of all the room and get them up to that velocity so I thought I would ask before I ordered some.

I have used the 180 Berger/JLK/SMK in a factory 7wby accumark. The SMK was the least of the 3 as for accuracy and consistency. The Berger where 3/4moa at 1000 with the JLK as good or better and 1moa flatter. the SMK at best where 2moa. All loaded the same and tested the same day under as near similar conditions as Wyoming (and I ) can produce. FC brass, too much H1000, FC215M primer, .020" deep.......2920fps average for 30rds.

I rarely use any SMK anymore in any caliber, much prefer the Berger or JLK.
I use the 180gr SMK in a 1:9 Krieger 24" on a PGWDTI Coyote platform in 7 wsm. The only difference I have seen between it and the 180gr Berger VLD is that I get a bit more speed out of the SMK, the Berger is more sensitive to seating depth and the accuracy is the same in my rifle.
The SMK will hold 1/2 moa when I'm doing my part out to 1000m.
I won't spend much time trying to figure out Bergers anymore, if I find something that shoots that's great but I don't try make them work, I just go to the SMKs, they always work.
I use the 180gr SMK in a 1:9 Krieger 24" on a PGWDTI Coyote platform in 7 wsm. The only difference I have seen between it and the 180gr Berger VLD is that I get a bit more speed out of the SMK, the Berger is more sensitive to seating depth and the accuracy is the same in my rifle.
The SMK will hold 1/2 moa when I'm doing my part out to 1000m.
I won't spend much time trying to figure out Bergers anymore, if I find something that shoots that's great but I don't try make them work, I just go to the SMKs, they always work.


Do you know what velocities you are getting? The Bergers are shooting lights out in my gun now but if I could find something else that shot as well, and was cheaper that would be awesome. Anyone shot any game with these?
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