6.5 SST with 135 A-Tips

6.5 PRC - 5 shot group
Hornady 135 A-Tip
26" Bart. M24/M40 5R .188fb
.020 off the lands
Powder Norma MRP @ 56.06gr.
Velocity 3144 fps
Primer Fed 210M
Shoulder bump .002
Case length 2.015
Case FL sized.
I know the 6.5 SST will do the same or better with a more efficient case design.


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I am contemplating building another rifle using a Ruger 77, tang safety in 6.5-06 or 6.5-06 Ackley Improved, but was told that the magazine well was not long enough to use for the 6.5 Sherman by Rich. Just curious about what you rig is.
My 6.5mm SST II is on a BigHorn TL3 S/A and my 6mm SST II is on an Impact Precision 737R S/A, most all bullets run at or less than 2.900. Up to 153 A-Tips in the 6.5mm and 110 SMK's in the 6mm. So in short these are truly short action cartridges.
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