400yd scope power?


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm setting up a Remington 700 in 7mm Rem Mag for elk and mulie hunting in Colorado. I'll be limiting myself to an absolute max of 400 yards with this gun on either animal.

What would be a good maximum power on a scope for hunting of elk and mule deer out to 400 yards? Would the tried and true 3-9x be adequate or is a 12x or 14x called for?

If I throw antelope hunts with the same rifle into the equation does that alter your scope choice? For the time being,I won't be buying another gun for antelope, although I'd like to get something fun in the future for really long shots on them.
that depends on your eyes sight. i have a poor right eye so i need more power. but if they r good 3x9 should b ok in my opion
that depends on your eyes sight. i have a poor right eye so i need more power. but if they r good 3x9 should b ok in my opion
I use a 2x7 Leupold compact on my 270 without problem, and have shot elk and antelope out to waaay far out there.

IMHO, you also need a wide field of view. Elk are where you find them, and sometimes you find them pretty close, too.
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