3rd Bear Hunt, First Bear


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
Just thought I would share a few pictures of a Chocolate Black Bear I shot in SASK on May 4th. This was my 3rd trip up there in the last 16 years and I didn't see anything big enough the first 2 trips. This bear was taken the first evening I hunted within the 2 hours of being in the stand. (SO close to passing on him, as I didn't think he was this big). He is 77" from nose to tail and weighed roughly 405lbs. His skull was rough green scored at 22 8/16 and will be officially scored in August when I get it back from Dakota Skulls.

I'm extremely happy I shot him, now. He just never looked huge coming in, I'm positive if he had not been color phase I would have passed on him. I knew his head looked good sized but had no idea he was Boone. The rifle is a TS Customs 7WSM, shot him with a 162 Amax, pencil sized entrance (even though wound looks big in first pic) and no exit. He made it 10 yards...
Was hunting over a bait, shot was under 100 yards - didn't ever range him.
Beautiful Bear! Congratulations!

Great looking gun BTW, any idea your remember your color pattern on the stock?

50% Black 30% Light Gray 20% Medium Tan

Thank you for all the kind words! I'm guessing he's a bear of a lifetime for me, not living in bear country.
50% Black 30% Light Gray 20% Medium Tan

Thank you for all the kind words! I'm guessing he's a bear of a lifetime for me, not living in bear country.

That skull is probably once in a lifetime for sure. That's a tough trophy.
I've gathered that and consider myself very fortunate. I can't wait to get the skull back and get the official B&C score.
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