3d printing keep powder dry?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
This is what happens when a moron gets a 3d printer. That's me…. Good idea bad idea?
inspired by podcasts talking about keeping your powder dry.


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Do you want to suck ALL of the moisture out of the powder?

Powder manufacturers don't put desiccant packs inside the jugs---- is there a reason why?
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I wonder how much humidity / moisture gets inside a container during the time you open to pour then close so as NOT to spill :)rolleyes:)... We need to figure out:

How much humidity at time of opening container:

Time of exposure:

How much moisture in container when new:

So many variables, It's hard to quantify... Why not just toss a couple desiccant packets directly in the container, would this be more efficient??? Kewl idea though...
Moisture content will definitely affect the burn rate and characteristics of powder. There has been several articles released lately. Powder supposed to be kept around 55% humidity. If this is the route you wanna go there is humidity control packs you can buy to put in there.

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