.338 Edge COAL


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I need some help.

My smith needs COAL for 300gr Bergers, so he can get started building my new rifle.

I realize there's different COAL's based on the magazine feeding system, but I am looking for COAL for a repeater action using Wyatt's box or Seekins DBM.

Also, if someone would be kind enough to sell me 2-3 pieces of 338 edge brass or dummy rounds to send my smith, I would greatly appreciate it. I have not yet purchased brass/dies as it's not in my budget this month, and I am a couple months away from getting my rifle completed. My smith really needs these to get started though.
I can help with all those things. Not today but perhaps we can get it all worked out and ship you some dummy rounds Monday.
They are made up. Now to get them to the PO.


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