300 ultra mag with 190 to 220 smk data needed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2005
South Central Missouri
Need help with a friends rifle that Shawn is putting a brake on, rifle is a remington 700 pss in the 300 ultra mag. Want to shoot the heavy smk bullets. What are people shooting with this type of set up? I figure Retumbo would be the powder, thanks for any help Oldfamily.
Both my rifle and I liked H-1000. Was plenty fast and accurate from a Rem 700 LSS.

200g SMK, 94g H-1000, F215, 3200fps, 1/2 MOA
220g SMK, 89g H-1000, F215, 3000fps, 1/2 MOA

200g AB, 95g Retumbo, F215, 3250fps, 1/2 MOA
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