.280AI or .280 Sherman in Mod 70 LA?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2014
Sandy, UT
Just curious. Seems this Mod 70 FWT 7x57 (80s push feed) is built on Winchester's Long action. I had an identical rifle rebarreled to 30-06 back in the 90s, but only shot factory LM & HE loads in it ( no longer than 3.34 I'm sure) (If it was a Mod 700 action, hey, no brainer, set it up with really long bullets/ fast twist, etc)So, IF I wanted all the oomph (thump from 140-175 for example) I could get with a 24" barrel on this particular action, which of the above rounds would do it, considering its limited COAL? I'm leaning toward the 280 Sherman, for the few grains more capacity/less taper, though it would be nice to use Nosler 280AI factory ammo/brass. ( I know the difference between the original & SAAMI and would go with SAAMI) If the Sherman could not gain 100fps or so over the AI, it wouldn't be worth it to me ( the added Sherman dies, etc) Anybody have a good idea of the actual difference in rounds, again, for that limited COAL? Curious here. :)
Thanks guys! I didn't know that Wyatt made that box/follower for the Mod 70! Well that's a different kettle of fish! Now on to see if this rifle will/won't shoot in its original chambering, the 7x57. If it does well, then great, but if it bobbles...it will get "upgraded"! ha
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