250AI Reamer


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2017
Would like to put a 250-3000AI together, looking for a reamer.

Any ideas where to start?

Thanks in advance
Was hoping to rent one (if that's a good idea?)
That's a good idea, but not too many reamer manufactures have custom reamers for wildcats cartridges sitting around for rent. I would contact JGS or Pacific Tool & Gauge or Dave Mason Reamers.
Do you have a Lathe and chambering you own barrels? Ask this because you are asking for a reamer. You could contact gunsmiths in your area or nationwide and see if they can chamber for you.
Thank you gentlemen, those are yhe leads I was looking for. I had a custom 7WSM reamer built by JGS, just wondering about being able to find one that somebody might jump out and say they had one. Haven't heard back from my smith yet as to weather or not he has or can get one?
Thank you gentlemen, those are yhe leads I was looking for. I had a custom 7WSM reamer built by JGS, just wondering about being able to find one that somebody might jump out and say they had one. Haven't heard back from my smith yet as to weather or not he has or can get one?
I'll check with some contacts, but not easy to find that caliber.
Len & Jill
I know, I'm difficult. My dad has a love for the old 250-3000 and I like to AI things, so there you go. I'm sure I could find plenty 22-250AI, but what fun is that?
Hope you have plenty of brass! I haven't seen any 'new' in at least a couple of years, and don't expect to see any soon. By the way, I have a .250/3000 AI finisher w/no throat (I have a selection of throating reamers. I cut the throat determined by 'what bullet'). I have considered a .250/3000AI for myself, but the lack of new brass stops me. I have plenty of used brass, but it's all been fired in my Savage 99. It may not size to fit in a custom cut chamber. It's been several years since I used that reamer (and no, I am not interested in selling it!). Maybe when new brass becomes available I'll build one for me........
All my 250 brass has been through Model 99 also, and yes, I have enough to make the project worth wild. Actually have some new 250 brass also, so hope it works? Just starting this idea and seeing if I can get components? Always could use 22-250 brass or 6.5 Creedmoor from what I understand?

And of course, I will be twisting and throttling for the heavies.
I have to admit, my family went into the man bun crowd about 3 months ago. I will say this, I like that cartridge and have no problems using it. My dad got a Sauer 100 Fieldshoot in 6.5 Creedmoor and I've never seen a factory rifle shoot that good? My son shoots a 1941 M38 Husqvarna sporterized 6.5 Sweed and likes to make fun of our lease hunters and their 6.5 Lazer beam/elephant dropping Creedmoors. They can't believe that a cartridge made in the 1800s can equal their almighty Creedmoor. With that said, I think its a great cartridge and enjoy shooting it.
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