22/250 coal


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Loading 55 grain game king boat tail book says 2.350 . It's nowhere near lands/grooves and almost entire bearing surface is in the neck 1/16 or so of bearing surface is out of neck.! I can seat it out much further before its too long for magazine. Bullet will probably not be properly supported if seated out to max magazine length Should I do so? Any suggestions appreciated thanks Tribb
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I look at book COL as a reference, then check the gun & any mag length issues. Much of the time I want ammo that's easily usable among several rifles, another consideration.

Think of factory ammo bought at the store, needs to work in any standard chamber. If I only have two rifles in a particular chambering, I just measure the shortest 'lands' contact & go with that.

My methods come from more of the hunter standpoint, not precision range shooting. One doesn't want a bullet pulled & stuck in the rifling while out hunting, during an unload.
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