2008 Hunting season Goals


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
What are your goals for rifle hunting in the 2008 season?

My goals are simple. For deer size game, deer and blackbuck, I plan to shoot 1 larger than the one I shot last year, which was a 9 point whitetail deer with 21" spread. Not alot of mass, but a nice deer shot at 265 yards. I may also take a shot at 1,000 yards if circumstances present a good situation to take such a shot. Last year I shot a doe at 786 yards. I have a 338 RUM and a 338 Lapua plus a 7WSM all capable of such a shot.

My local range only goes to 600 yards so 1,000 yard shot practice will be limited. The only chance to shoot 1,000 being at the deer lease, which is 360 mile away. I will take at least 1 trip before season to the lease and shoot , wind permitting, 1,000 yards. It blows a lot at the lease... I would be able to shoot from the same area I will hunt, so that is an advantage.

With the price of fuel my hunts this year may be limited!

So, what are your goals??
Interesting question. I have a few hunts booked for this fall along with the regular deer and pronghorn hunting here in Montana.

First hunt will be an archery moose hunt in Alberta Canada. I am hoping for a mature bull here. If he is mature I will be happy. If I kill any bull I will be happy but a mature bull is my goal. Since we will be hunting in the rut we should have a pretty good chance if I do my part.

Next up will be my local pronghorn hunt if I draw a permit again. Want an 80" or larger buck.

Wont have much time to deer hunt here in Montana but will keep it to my usually standards, +4 year old at least and looking for at least a 150" whitetail or 170" mule deer.

Then off to Nebraska for a whitetail hunt with Lance at Laughing Water Ranch Outfitters. Again, just looking for a mature buck, +5 year old is my goal.

Then back up to Canada to hunt whitetails in the rut until the end of the season. My goal here, mature and 160" or larger.
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Pretty simple here:

A 180+ buck. He's either there or he isn't. The fun part will be finding out. It will probably take all summer to find out.

A long range legal elk. Gender depends on the tag I choose.

and of course, a Woof.
I've killed more than my fair share of deer, elk etc. so my goal for this hunting season is a little bit different than most.

My hunting buddy of 35 years has had heart problems for a long time now. Recently it looked like it was going down hill rapidly and my fear was that we'd lose him. Thanks to a large battery of test etc. etc. and some good doctors it looks like he'll be getting a pacemaker put in and hopefully that will cure all of the skipped and irregular beats not to mention all the other problems associated with his heart problems.

My goal for this coming 2008 season is to have my buddy be able to go hunting with me at least one more time. We won't know for a while but it looks a lot more promising than it did a couple of weeks ago.
it would be a banner year iffffffff
1 .bullelk
2. cow elk
3. 30" mule deer
4. 20" pa white tail
really dont want to much i cant wait for the fun to begin. ,ssams 57
First hunt will be an archery moose hunt in Alberta Canada. I am hoping for a mature bull here. If he is mature I will be happy. If I kill any bull I will be happy but a mature bull is my goal. Since we will be hunting in the rut we should have a pretty good chance if I do my part.

Kirby, what area are you doing your moose hunt in?

For myself in 2008:

I've applied for bull moose (only have a 50-60% chance of drawing that this year); Non trophy sheep (will likely draw that), I'll also get a general tag for a ram.

Those will be my main focus. I'll also pick up tags for elk and whitetail for November.

Not sure the exact area we will be hunting but the outfitter is Savage Encounters owned by Chad Lenz. He is located straight west of Red Deer up in the foot hill area. He has a pretty wide range of hunting ground so it could be a ways from here.

I am also going back with him to hunt whitetail.

We hunted wolf with him a couple years back, was a great time, no wolves for me but saw some, just to warm. He told me about some smoker moose and deer he had scouted out last summer and they saw them last fall but could not get the deal done. Hopefully they made it through the winter and we will have a good hunt. Said if the winter was mild this could be THE year for moose and whitetail racks in his area.

That is all I needed to hear.

Will be a crazy fall, november pretty much spend hunting with very few days between booked hunts. Will be a long month but hopefully well worth it.

Not sure the exact area we will be hunting but the outfitter is Savage Encounters owned by Chad Lenz. He is located straight west of Red Deer up in the foot hill area. He has a pretty wide range of hunting ground so it could be a ways from here.

I am also going back with him to hunt whitetail.

We hunted wolf with him a couple years back, was a great time, no wolves for me but saw some, just to warm. He told me about some smoker moose and deer he had scouted out last summer and they saw them last fall but could not get the deal done. Hopefully they made it through the winter and we will have a good hunt. Said if the winter was mild this could be THE year for moose and whitetail racks in his area.

That is all I needed to hear.

Will be a crazy fall, november pretty much spend hunting with very few days between booked hunts. Will be a long month but hopefully well worth it.

Good luck, I've heard good things about Savage Encounters.
190 muley buck, 360 bull elk and an 80 inch antelope. All on public land and unguided (except for the speedgoat). I have a 79 and 5/8 inch antelope so far, but looking for the book score. mtmuley
My goal is to find a woman that knows how to gut deer and quarter up an elk.

Then find a decent buck, whitetail or mule deer dosn't matter. Shoot it and let her gut it for me. Then help me pack it out and load the pickup.

Then when elk season rolls around, I will not be so picky. The season is 5 days long, and I have yet to get one. Been archery hunting too long, I guess. She will help me pack out the quarters and butcher the meat.
I am sure there are women out there that will do that for you. You just have to be patient and willing to accept one that wears larger pants than you. If you find one that will do that, send pictures, of the deer and elk. Good luck!!!!
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