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  • Glad someone got the humour in that one. I too am a left eyed shooter who is very right handed. You probably have run lots of right handed rifles shoot lefty. Craig Boddington is just a great example.
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    Reactions: Idaho Lefty
    Idaho Lefty
    I have a Right "Master Eye" and my Right hand was "screwed up", due to, a High Fever and subsequent, "brain damage", as a Child and have not had, very much Dexterity, in my right hand, since,.. so I learned to Write at, 6 or 7 and shoot, a BB Gun,.. Left Handed !
    I am mixed dominant, right handed but left master eye. Lately I do not have an eye that wants to take over. I shoot bows equally well both ways, and am well known for that on the Leatherwall website. Check it our when you have time. My username there is, you guessed it, camodave
    **** spell correct. You get what I mean. Same name.
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