Question Concerning Older Binos- Hensoldt, Zeiss, Steiner etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
Heflin, AL
Anyone have experience with these binos? I'm looking for another set for deer hunting this year. Don't want to break the bank but many of these seems like a good buy at $150 to $200.

Most are 8x30. Are there other options out there that will outperform these for the money?

What do you guys think?


Quality is quality...regardless of age. While top shelf glass from bygone era's may lose out with same or other top shelf brand of today.....they will outdistance mediocre glass that floats around

If you like them and they work for you and you can get them at a good price.....get them
Quality is quality...regardless of age. While top shelf glass from bygone era's may lose out with same or other top shelf brand of today.....they will outdistance mediocre glass that floats around

If you like them and they work for you and you can get them at a good price.....get them

That was my thinking too. Now I need to decide if I want to drop $200 on the older good glass or move up a couple of hundred more and try some of those snazzy IS binos from Canon that I just found out about.

Thanks for the help.

One good think to keep in ming, Stiener has a trade in program. You can trade in any used pair of binos and get 35% off a new pair even if the old ones are still fine to use. If you can find a good deal on a old smaller pair then trade them in for a new pair. It could save you some money.
One good think to keep in ming, Stiener has a trade in program. You can trade in any used pair of binos and get 35% off a new pair even if the old ones are still fine to use. If you can find a good deal on a old smaller pair then trade them in for a new pair. It could save you some money.

Do you have any additional information about this?
I couldn't find it posted but if you call them they will tell you all about it.
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