PD Shoot With Friends

Joel Russo

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2006
Harrisburg, PA
We gathered up a few friends and headed to Gregory, SD last weekend for a PD shoot. The following were in attendance: Greg Young (Southern Precision Rifles), Harold Fredd (Barreled by Harold), Matt Salm, Charles, Norman Brux and Ken Liebetrau (Brux Barrels), Dan Muller (Mullerworks Barrels), Shannon Parisot, Chase Curtis and myself (Curtis Custom), and my father who we referred to as "Pop".

Since we had such a large group, we split the group into two and three smaller groups for our daily activities. Activity at the PD towns was a bit lacking, but we still managed to take a few long shots and enjoy each other's company. In the end, that's what it's all about anyway. The long shot, confirmed kill, was awarded to Matt Salm for his 865 yard kill with a 6-284 that he built. Way to go Matt! Second place goes to Chase Curtis for his bloodied dirt mound at 864 yards with his 6.5-47 Lapua.

The wind was brutal throught the trip. Gusting at times and sustained at other times ranging from 15 mph to 25 mph.

We had a variety of different rifles that ranged from .223 semi auto spitters all the way up to my .30-.416 Rigby improved and Harold's .338 Lapua. I must say, it's nice to shoot the heavies in those conditions. Dan Muller exhibited some fine shooting with a 6.5-.284 that he built using one of his barrels.

Harold spanked out some good shots 1,111 yards with his .243 AI that he built.

It was quite pleasing to see the hot 6mm's reach out to over 1K and come awefully close to engagement with the proper wind call.

The position we shot from for most of the trip had a few critters between 400-600 yards, and a few that hung around the 900-1,100 yard mark. Needless to say, we really didn't waste much time with the closer stuff, as our mission was to break the lodge record of 926 yards. We had so many questionable hits at 1,111 yards, that we got tired of walking for verification. The rattlers were thick and made walking through the grass quite entertaining... just ask Chase:)

We didn't break the lodge record, but a few personal records were set in the process, which is more rewarding in the end.

The Motley Crew:
L to R: Chase, Shanon, Harold, Me, Pop, and Dan






Harold shooting his .338 Lapua


Pop with me in the glass




Chase's bloodied hole at 864 yards


Promotional picture for Manfrotto Tripods....


Greg Who had the nads to show up with a US Optics scope

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Hey Joel, and don't forget Charles (Woodnut21) from right here on LRH in attendance also! It was an enjoyable couple days with the lodge being top-notch and the shooting was enough for me. Good to finally meet you, and I'll call you on that stick soon.
For the record, bloodied holes don't count.:D
Joel, great event and you are right---it's all about spending time with the buddies.
You need to get out to central Idaho and take some 2000 yarders at them alfalfa stealing yellow bellied marmots...........And man, bring some of the gear with you!

Heck, if bloodied holes counted I would have had one 20 yards further at 885 yards:). My 865 yard dog was laying dead in the dirt with a 105 AMAX through his middle. Greg and Charles both witnessed the carnage. All in all it was a great time shooting aside. A lot of BS and good fun.
It looks like it was a really good time. I'm just thinking out loud here, but what about trying to put together some trips like this in which some of the more experienced shooters can pass a little information on to the less experienced shooters on this site in a relaxed atmosphere. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Thanks for bringing us along Joel, I love the pics of all you guys. For some reason you don't look like the mental picture I had of you in my mind, how tall are you?
Lol, me too. Very nice pics Joel, always love reading about your shooting and hunting trips.
ICANHITHIMMAN;For some reason you don't look like the mental picture I had of you in my mind said:
Just wondering what your mental picture was:rolleyes: I'm 6'2".

I'm pretty sure Chase has a picture looking back to the shooting position from the snake infested area. Not sure if he's home yet, he'd had to find some therapy "read vacation" after being traumatized by the snakes. :D
Just wondering what your mental picture was:rolleyes: I'm 6'2".

I'm pretty sure Chase has a picture looking back to the shooting position from the snake infested area. Not sure if he's home yet, he'd had to find some therapy "read vacation" after being traumatized by the snakes. :D

What kind of snakes? Bee's are my thing cant stand them! stepped in to many ground nest (they don't like that).
The snakes that have those funny little baby rattles on their tails...

I wanted to take a picture of the one I almost stepped on, but Chase jumped in my arms and I couldn't hold him and take a picture at the same time.
First of all Joel "Tiny" Russo was not very happy about the snakes either... I will say he to took on the snakes and cattle head on.. where as I would hang back to make sure the coast is clear.. I figured he knew what he was doing... :rolleyes:

When I find a snake i either shoot it or go the other way.. Joel wants to play with them.. so after I expressed my feelings with a few choice words.. He knew where I stood on the topic. that place really was infested with those **** things!

Looking back at the truck from the 1111 yd mark..

And for record Joel came within mere inches so many times at this distance I lost count.. and with his 6mm's and 30-416.. thats why it is his fault i almost got bit by rattlers. He shouldve have just killed one instead of toying with my life.. Im starting to notice a pattern on these hunts with Russo... BRING A 4 WHEELER! People honestly would be in shock if they saw what he was doing with a 6mm at 1100 yards in 20mph wind gusts...

Which for the record I didnt jump in Russo's arms! I did jump and so did Tiny when he almost stepped on one!

and Matt... you know I never saw any blood or any pics from you on these "800+" kills... maybe you shoot a rifle like you shoot pool ...:cool::rolleyes::D
(Matt is a great guy and shot.. just dont tell him that)

it was a great time!
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