Whitetail Dream hunt.

25 Otter

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
OK folks. Money,time,equipment are no concern. You are going to embark on your ultimate Whitetail dream hunt. Where ya gonna go? Canadian bush? Colorado Eastern plains? Kansas? Milk River? How about the far North East? This is a once in a lifetime no holds barred oppertunity so lets have at it.
OK folks. Money,time,equipment are no concern. You are going to embark on your ultimate Whitetail dream hunt. Where ya gonna go? Canadian bush? Colorado Eastern plains? Kansas? Milk River? How about the far North East? This is a once in a lifetime no holds barred oppertunity so lets have at it.

I think I would choose one of the Indian reservations in southern Saskatchewan. The farmland of southern Sask. is off limits to non-residents, so the only way you can hunt there is on an Indian reservation. The hunts are expensive, but they kill some enormous deer.
Canada hands down, northern BC or Alberta. I'd love to shoot one of those big bodied bucks-big horns nice but not necessary.
i used to be obsessed with hunting whitetails, have a world record to show for it. i got it in the northern fringe/bush area of Saskatewan. as stated, we can't hunt in the southern farmland where there are some monsters. the reservations are tuff to beat because they've eliminated the wolves from them. that's why there are more deer there and they've learned to migrate there for the winter from many miles away. there are the occassional monster in every part of western Canada. but i would take my chances in the mid-west somewhere because i think there are more big ones per square mile than in Canada. the question would be where would i choose and the answer is the northern bush of Saskatchewan. not because that's where i think the biggest are, but because it's where i spent 7 years, for 3 months out of the year chasing big deer, back in the day. it's where my heart is hung for whitetails.
Canada hands down, northern BC or Alberta. I'd love to shoot one of those big bodied bucks-big horns nice but not necessary.

I hear you my friend. I love those big northern hogs. B.C. (before children), I was in communication with an outfitter up in Manitoba about coming up for a hunt. I was of course very curious about the body size of the deer there. He chuckled and told me we Pennsylvanians are sure obsessed with the weight of a deer. He went on to say he was here (PA) on a road trip/vacation once and was amazed at the shear number of deer. He refered to them as being "sleek and tubular". I don't have room here for a full body mount,but should I ever collect one of those northern brutes I'm going to have to make some.
I hunt northern Michigan. The place is all a wetland on the charts, and nobody would be foolish to go there, its a hard wood swamp and the water in the fall is up to your ancles + but the mud goes up to your knees in most areas. over the last 25 or so years we explored the area in summer when the water in gone..we made a path with branches to walk on, I got a place with a big clump of cedars fallen over and all I do is just set there. In front of my spot about 20ft the ground goes up to makes an island (15 TO 18 INCHES HIGH), it must be around 8 to 10 acres and all the Deer in the area go there when the shooting starts. all my shots are at most 30 yards.
there is never a question wheather I get a buck, if am I hunting or in the Hospital or how big?
My back is all efffed up. I have colapsed many times next to my car when I walked 100yards with the Deer hanging on my shoulders. just to hide the path.

The years are getting harder on my back, I know I can do it even if it takes me a night to get out.
If you choose Saskatchewan do a lot of research. I am from Manitoba and we hunt Saskatchewan every year for one week. Last winter was really hard on the deer population. I spoke to every biologist in the province before deciding on a zone where the deer wintered ok. We always hunt in the south and I believe the north forest fringe holds way more trophy potential. We have shot a few good ones but nothing huge. Going farther north this year so I hope it's good.
You don't need to worry about the Milk River in Northeast Montana for a while. I just left there a couple weeks ago and CWD has taken a severe toll on the whitetails. Fields that usually have 80 to 100, may have had only 8-10. Carcass and bones all over near any water source. It will take a few years to bounce back.
Now that just plain sucks. I always hate to hear about CWD epidemics. Devastating and merciless. Our deer and elk herds have enough problems without this.That's a shame about the Milk River country.
OK folks. Money,time,equipment are no concern. You are going to embark on your ultimate Whitetail dream hunt. Where ya gonna go? Canadian bush? Colorado Eastern plains? Kansas? Milk River? How about the far North East? This is a once in a lifetime no holds barred opportunity so lets have at it.

Otter, you forgot Texas.:D
My Son's on his way back from South Texas right now, A Dream Hunt; and he got a nice buck yesterday and some other toothy critters.

10 pointer dressing out at 160 Lbs. 127 points, used a 270, 150 gr Power Point,
one shot through liver and lungs, the deer ran 25 yds. and dropped.
The Rifle in the picture is the one we use for special hunts. It did the job again,
but this was only a 75 yd shot.


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