I hear you but I know too many people in the area that have trail cams and the increase in wolf picture over the last 10 years only leads to one logical conclusion. The whole out of state mindset is a really backwards way to look at things. I live in Illinois and have thousands of people from out of state come in every year and I don't think it's a bad thing, good for them for brining money to my local economy and enjoying what my state has to offer. We are all Americans and the wildlife is no more yours than it is mine than it is the presidents. More people hunting is better for our sport, not worse. Hunter numbers are at historic lows. Another piece to that puzzle is people that own land are leasing hunting rights for top dollar and that is hurting the average persons ability to compete with $$$$$ to find a place to hunt. Public land is all most people have to be able to experience the out doors anymore.