Things that FUDDS say...


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota

Also those who refer to shotguns as "shotties", Winchesters as "winnies" or Remington as "Remmys"...
We let a few guys hunt the veggie farm last year the deer are destroying the crops. It sounded like a war going on they came out with nothing… there are so many deer down in the woods that they run all over you. The only casualty was a guy that shot his foot


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We let a few guys hunt the veggie farm last year the deer are destroying the crops. It sounded like a war going on they came out with nothing… there are so many deer down in the woods that they run all over you. The only casualty was a guy that shot his foot
No one needs a AR & 30 rd mag.
Oh man... The stupid names drives me nuts. No offense to people who call stuff by stupid names 😂😂😂

"Leupy" comes to mind instantly... As does referring to a Weatherby as a "Roy" or "Bee". Seriously... Roy???? I know where it comes from but it makes no sense.

Plus all the others previously mentioned.

Don't know why, it's always just been a pet peeve of mine.

Man. That was cathartic 🤣