Let them walk.

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Is anyone still there?
This seems to have died as quickly as it came to life.
I was so caught up in it, I didn't know what to put in a response. Been thinking on it all day.

He ignored his own thread. Or ignored so many people that it's now worthless to him. It's fine. We are a bunch of poors who would never be his customer base anyway.

I'll stick to the mid tier Gen III razor, anyway. I hope TT knows these are the people whoring out their products.


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There's quite a few of you that will read this post and you'll just get mad and try to tell me how it is. Cool, you do that. I will hit "ignore" on every one of you without hesitation. If you want to disagree, you better do so in a manner befitting a Christian. Fact is, I have almost nothing in common with most "hunters" these days, and I'd rather be disliked by all of them than be "popular" among that crowd.

This post is for the rest of you. The guys that are trying to be good responsible sportsmen that know how to manage our resources.

My request is this: Learn how to score on the hoof. Stop shooting immature animals. If you want food and the joy of the hunt... do it with a doe. They taste better.

That is all.

I'm out scouting for pronghorn, as I usually do this time of year. Some areas of the country you see massive pronghorn regularly. Tags are hard to get in those areas. Permission to hunt, even harder to get. They grow big there, because most hunters are kept out.

That's not true of my area. Here, there isn't much for sizable pronghorn. Fewer and fewer sizable anything, actually.

It's a sad reality when in order to foster trophy animals, hunters must be kept away. Yet, despite how sad, that is very true of many hunters. We're suppose to care... not just look for instant gratification of a kill on our vacation from our life, wife, and job.

Took this guys picture 15 minutes ago... and I know the majority of hunters would blast him if given the opportunity. Sure, he's a "nice" goat. He's got decent cutters, decent length, decent mass, and there's even some ivory there.

Though he sure doesn't have much of a curl does he? I bet he's 3yrs old is all. Next year he'll be nice. Two years, he'll be a STUD! What do you think he scores?


Now compare what you see above, to a real trophy pronghorn. Here's a 90" goat from pronghornguideservice instagram page:

Now what do you think that first goat I posted scored?

I'm talking about pronghorn here, but the same applies to every species. Just let them walk. What is the big deal? Shoot a doe for as many years as you need to foster some proper management of the species. Teach this restraint to the younger generation. If you don't, then $10,000+ per hunt guides will be the only place any of us get to hunt a real trophy. You can very likely still do all the things that are important to you on your hunt without shooting an immature buck.

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Why judge each other on trophy quality. I hold out for more mature animals without hesitation. But I'll be d&$n if I'm going to teach my boys what some other hunter believes in! I grew up in an era of hunting to help my father feed our family and you can't tenderize antler scores no matter how long you cook them. Who are we to judge the upcoming future of our sport or the ones out there for maybe their last season leaving their legacy to the sport of hunting just for the bragging rights of inches. I have many inches on my walls yet my proudest moments were watching my 7 year old and 5 year old fill my tags with legal bucks! God Bless America!!
I must admit, I'm a trophy hunter. Well at least I want to be. Largest whitetail I've taken is 135 10 pt. Not huge by any trophy standards. We had watched him on our lease 3 years and I don't think he was getting any bigger.
I've dreamt of a huge monster buck since the first spike I killed in 1981. Realistically, I'll Probly never make the B an C club hunting here in NETX.
I have studied deer on the hoof and in pics taken for years now. My hunting buddies and I practice management as best we can to allow bucks to age. I feel it's biologically beneficial for the overall herd Health and it helps us produce what we feel are TROPHIES.
I also believe it taking mature does, young does and CULL bucks. We eat all the venison we kill. Younger taste better!
I feel we can all agree that trophy hunting, though frowned on by many, exist and isn't going away.
Bill Jordan and Michael Waddell aren't getting rich selling camo and videos to those wanting to get a spike. Just travel to any S TX ranch and you will find hunt fees directly proportional to antler measurements.
On that note I realize not all want a large set of antlers. I'm fine with that. For me now, it's more about out smarting the older, wiser bucks which truly are more difficult to kill.
As for the rest of the original post, I feel the gentleman knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe he was having a bad day, maybe he's just a pot stirrer, I don't know. I understand our nation and humankind in general is in disarray. I don't feel if in late Dec., I've not killed a large buck and I choose to take a 15" 6 pt that myself or anyone else in a similar situation is going to turn out to be less credible in society.
As a fellow Christian, I can say, this is not the place for all of that!
This forum is about LONG RANGE hunting.
I leave with this,
Is it more of a trophy to kill a 179" at 169 yards,
A 129" at 961 yards?
I've never done either, but I'd like to.
Referring back too post 239 , most hunters have too get it out of his system so too speak . A new hunter that's starting out as a hunter on a lease or his own property , public land etc , may not have learned what some has been taught early on as kids ,hunting with a more experienced hunter and may be more inclined too shoot something that you or I would not have shot , that dosnt make him a slob hunter or unethical , he may just need a little more time too come around and see things differently. Some hunters hunt for a big trophy , some hunters just enjoy the experience , some just have too shoot , some fill the hunt is more important than the kill . I have a piece of a large ranch with multiple land owners , some shoot way more than they should and some don't hardly shoot anything unless a big one comes by . The only thing I can do is try too be an example and shoot mature deer , don't over shoot my property and educate some of the other land owners , if they ever want too shoot a wall hanger. I have observed over the years some not all are finally coming around and are being more selective of what they shoot and now we see or have a opportunity too kill bigger more mature deer , it takes time most hunters have too go through a transition. I have been hunting a long time and if a 10 point came by me 4 too 5 yrs old he probably got shot , now if he ain't quite there I let him walk thinking if he made it that long , what will he be next year . It takes a long time too get a animal too maturity and by letting him walk gives me something too look forward too the next yr , unless I hear of a neighbor getting him . Public land is a different ball game and no way too get hunters on the same page . If I don't see what I want, for meat I take a doe spike or a cull buck , but then again some don't know what a cull buck is too some It doesn't matter each too his own don't force feed anything be a good steward of the land and practice what you preach.Good Hunting
Written like a fully mature Sportsman.

If I see a 10 point go by I'm taking the first good shot!

I'm probably about halfway through the maturation process if I'm being honest.
10 years ago in Wyoming I took a small 5 X 5 on a non res general tag. It was a foggy day and I noticed a nice tall 4 X 4 standing just above the dead dear on the hillside. I tried to position my friends that held tags for a shot, but they were both unprepared and the buck took a couple of steps up the hill and disappeared. The following year, I took that buck or one that looked exactly like him but bigger only 200 yards from where I took the previous buck.

In Colorada the area we hunt has few deer and most in our group do not even attempt to get a buck tag. I get one just in case and have only taken 1 buck there over the years. there have been opportunities, as I have passed on small 4X4's every year. For the past 3 years I have passed on the same 4X4 and now he should be a 160-165 class buck. Since we hunt on private land, I know that of the 125 elk hunters that hunt there, only a very few will buy a buck tag. Hopefully he has survived another season and I get to see him again. But he could get another pass!!!
I must admit, I'm a trophy hunter. Well at least I want to be. Largest whitetail I've taken is 135 10 pt. Not huge by any trophy. standards. We had watched him on our lease 3 years and I don't think he was getting any bigger.
I've dreamt of a huge monster buck since the first spike I killed in 1981. Realistically, I'll Probly never make the B an C club hunting here in NETX.
I have studied deer on the hoof and in pics taken for years now. My hunting buddies and I practice management as best we can to allow bucks to age. I feel it's biologically beneficial for the overall herd Health and it helps us produce what we feel are TROPHIES.
I also believe it taking mature does, young does and CULL bucks. We eat all the venison we kill. Younger taste better!
I feel we can all agree that trophy hunting, though frowned on by many, exist and isn't going away.
Bill Jordan and Michael Waddell aren't getting rich selling camo and videos to those wanting to get a spike. Just travel to any S TX ranch and you will find hunt fees directly proportional to antler measurements.
On that note I realize not all want a large set of antlers. I'm fine with that. For me now, it's more about out smarting the older, wiser bucks which truly are more difficult to kill.
As for the rest of the original post, I feel the gentleman knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe he was having a bad day, maybe he's just a pot stirrer, I don't know. I understand our nation and humankind in general is in disarray. I don't feel if in late Dec., I've not killed a large buck and I choose to take a 15" 6 pt that myself or anyone else in a similar situation is going to turn out to be less credible in society.
As a fellow Christian, I can say, this is not the place for all of that!
This forum is about LONG RANGE hunting.
I leave with this,
Is it more of a trophy to kill a 179" at 169 yards,
A 129" at 961 yards?
I've never done either, but I'd like to.

This guy beat you...lol... cheers, Buck.

Next time was a 945yd shot when I was 32.

I am not a great hunter unlike others, in fact I tell people that I am just a trigger monkey, not a hunter. I never killed an animal that far, just a paper killer. I killed paper against Palma, match rifles, and Magnums with a 223 gas gun at 1000 yards, and all I got is this cheap wood. Not quite old, 45 yo young man back then.

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There's quite a few of you that will read this post and you'll just get mad and try to tell me how it is. Cool, you do that. I will hit "ignore" on every one of you without hesitation. If you want to disagree, you better do so in a manner befitting a Christian. Fact is, I have almost nothing in common with most "hunters" these days, and I'd rather be disliked by all of them than be "popular" among that crowd.

This post is for the rest of you. The guys that are trying to be good responsible sportsmen that know how to manage our resources.

My request is this: Learn how to score on the hoof. Stop shooting immature animals. If you want food and the joy of the hunt... do it with a doe. They taste better.

That is all.

I'm out scouting for pronghorn, as I usually do this time of year. Some areas of the country you see massive pronghorn regularly. Tags are hard to get in those areas. Permission to hunt, even harder to get. They grow big there, because most hunters are kept out.

That's not true of my area. Here, there isn't much for sizable pronghorn. Fewer and fewer sizable anything, actually.

It's a sad reality when in order to foster trophy animals, hunters must be kept away. Yet, despite how sad, that is very true of many hunters. We're suppose to care... not just look for instant gratification of a kill on our vacation from our life, wife, and job.

Took this guys picture 15 minutes ago... and I know the majority of hunters would blast him if given the opportunity. Sure, he's a "nice" goat. He's got decent cutters, decent length, decent mass, and there's even some ivory there.

Though he sure doesn't have much of a curl does he? I bet he's 3yrs old is all. Next year he'll be nice. Two years, he'll be a STUD! What do you think he scores?


Now compare what you see above, to a real trophy pronghorn. Here's a 90" goat from pronghornguideservice instagram page:

Now what do you think that first goat I posted scored?

I'm talking about pronghorn here, but the same applies to every species. Just let them walk. What is the big deal? Shoot a doe for as many years as you need to foster some proper management of the species. Teach this restraint to the younger generation. If you don't, then $10,000+ per hunt guides will be the only place any of us get to hunt a real trophy. You can very likely still do all the things that are important to you on your hunt without shooting an immature buck.

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Seems like the casual campfire long range hunting discussion turned into ideological rant with demands and shaming.
Ho hum.....
There's quite a few of you that will read this post and you'll just get mad and try to tell me how it is. Cool, you do that. I will hit "ignore" on every one of you without hesitation. If you want to disagree, you better do so in a manner befitting a Christian. Fact is, I have almost nothing in common with most "hunters" these days, and I'd rather be disliked by all of them than be "popular" among that crowd.

This post is for the rest of you. The guys that are trying to be good responsible sportsmen that know how to manage our resources.

My request is this: Learn how to score on the hoof. Stop shooting immature animals. If you want food and the joy of the hunt... do it with a doe. They taste better.

That is all.

I'm out scouting for pronghorn, as I usually do this time of year. Some areas of the country you see massive pronghorn regularly. Tags are hard to get in those areas. Permission to hunt, even harder to get. They grow big there, because most hunters are kept out.

That's not true of my area. Here, there isn't much for sizable pronghorn. Fewer and fewer sizable anything, actually.

It's a sad reality when in order to foster trophy animals, hunters must be kept away. Yet, despite how sad, that is very true of many hunters. We're suppose to care... not just look for instant gratification of a kill on our vacation from our life, wife, and job.

Took this guys picture 15 minutes ago... and I know the majority of hunters would blast him if given the opportunity. Sure, he's a "nice" goat. He's got decent cutters, decent length, decent mass, and there's even some ivory there.

Though he sure doesn't have much of a curl does he? I bet he's 3yrs old is all. Next year he'll be nice. Two years, he'll be a STUD! What do you think he scores?


Now compare what you see above, to a real trophy pronghorn. Here's a 90" goat from pronghornguideservice instagram page:

Now what do you think that first goat I posted scored?

I'm talking about pronghorn here, but the same applies to every species. Just let them walk. What is the big deal? Shoot a doe for as many years as you need to foster some proper management of the species. Teach this restraint to the younger generation. If you don't, then $10,000+ per hunt guides will be the only place any of us get to hunt a real trophy. You can very likely still do all the things that are important to you on your hunt without shooting an immature buck.

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Seems like the casual campfire long range hunting discussion turned into ideological rant with demands and shaming.
Ho hum.....
There's quite a few of you that will read this post and you'll just get mad and try to tell me how it is. Cool, you do that. I will hit "ignore" on every one of you without hesitation. If you want to disagree, you better do so in a manner befitting a Christian. Fact is, I have almost nothing in common with most "hunters" these days, and I'd rather be disliked by all of them than be "popular" among that crowd.

This post is for the rest of you. The guys that are trying to be good responsible sportsmen that know how to manage our resources.

My request is this: Learn how to score on the hoof. Stop shooting immature animals. If you want food and the joy of the hunt... do it with a doe. They taste better.

That is all.

I'm out scouting for pronghorn, as I usually do this time of year. Some areas of the country you see massive pronghorn regularly. Tags are hard to get in those areas. Permission to hunt, even harder to get. They grow big there, because most hunters are kept out.

That's not true of my area. Here, there isn't much for sizable pronghorn. Fewer and fewer sizable anything, actually.

It's a sad reality when in order to foster trophy animals, hunters must be kept away. Yet, despite how sad, that is very true of many hunters. We're suppose to care... not just look for instant gratification of a kill on our vacation from our life, wife, and job.

Took this guys picture 15 minutes ago... and I know the majority of hunters would blast him if given the opportunity. Sure, he's a "nice" goat. He's got decent cutters, decent length, decent mass, and there's even some ivory there.

Though he sure doesn't have much of a curl does he? I bet he's 3yrs old is all. Next year he'll be nice. Two years, he'll be a STUD! What do you think he scores?


Now compare what you see above, to a real trophy pronghorn. Here's a 90" goat from pronghornguideservice instagram page:

Now what do you think that first goat I posted scored?

I'm talking about pronghorn here, but the same applies to every species. Just let them walk. What is the big deal? Shoot a doe for as many years as you need to foster some proper management of the species. Teach this restraint to the younger generation. If you don't, then $10,000+ per hunt guides will be the only place any of us get to hunt a real trophy. You can very likely still do all the things that are important to you on your hunt without shooting an immature buck.

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What do you suggest? I adopt your ideology and let you move in my house to make decisions in my life for everything else ? Your opinion your experience sharing is a generous offer, DEMANDING, bullying, shaming reveals your insecurity and desire for control.
What's your next move? Approach those hunting like Peta and demand they hunt your way?
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