Drone for dropping balloon targets


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
Been thinking about buying a drone to fly balloons out to shoot at longer distances 600-1500. Really hard to find places to shoot long range around here and hiking targets out across some of the canyons is usually a project. Been looking at the swellpro 4. Anybody else try this?
Not sure what you have available, but we use rocks or something like dead wood as targets. Every target is different this teaches you to range it and even to use your scope to determine it's size in MOA or Mils. Next comes what influence the wind, terrian, and environmentals are that will affect your shot. Coolest thing is no setup and biodegradable!

If have you lush or wet conditions then this is not much help for visual feedback.

Not sure how ballons and 4 propellers will work together :)
Guess I gotta see how you propose not popping the balloons. There are videos of drones dropping water balloons but the intent is for it to pop. Also how would you keep the balloon from bobbing around? Nothing like trying to hit a bouncing target at long range. We've done a bobbing target at our competition, 5 gallon bucket, some water, stick, balloon, and something that floats to hold the stick up. Problem is keeping the bucket from leaking when guys shoot the bucket and drain the water to keep the target from bobbing.😂
Well, there's going to be some movement. I was looking and it looks like a guy can get a bunch of balloons with a helium tank like at Walmart. Drop them tied tight with a small rock where it's just dirt, like in eastern Washington farmlands, to try and eliminate some movement. The place I've been thinking about on the west side is a fairly new clearcut with about 3-4' of growth ( grass and bryers) and I'd try a 5' lead to keep it above. Who knows, it might not work. Was curious if anyone else had tried it. Was also thinking about a light weight tomato cage type target that I could set down on the top of a small fir tree in the older replanted clearcuts.
If you watch them surf fish with the drones, it's not hard to figure out how to setup to keep the balloons clear from the propellers
Lol, ya, I thought about placing white cardboard out against the scattered old growth stumps but I'd need to figure out a retrieval system. That's where the tomato cage idea came from. Just put a hook on the drone. Don't want to leave a bunch of garbage scattered around. Thinking some lightweight biodegradable string with some rocks taped to it for weight to hold the balloons down. Guess latex takes about 6-12 months to erode. Would have to retrieve in the farmlands or use the cage
Definitely open to suggestions and criticism. Probably $3200 for the one I'm looking into and looking for flaws
Definitely open to suggestions and criticism. Probably $3200 for the one I'm looking into and looking for flaws

3200 for a multi rotor?

my most expensive one (1200 at the time) got me over a mile, was capable of much further, and could lift a couple pounds. flight time was around 20 minutes.

even my little $500 DJI one could lift what your needing and ive had it out to almost a mile

cotton yarn tied around a rock tied to a balloon and call it a day

and a remote camera/live cam view could be made or bought for a few hundred as well lol.