A MUST have for me on any hunt, and is always with me.

Glad you made it. My breathing was so bad couple of weeks ago, just got back from Idaho a week before pass out on the floor and started to crap on myself wasnt messing with the ER. Six hours later, I told my wife, Honey call a ambulance.Soon as they arrive check oxygen mid 80s% hooked me up with IV and oxygen rush to hosptal .Oxygen for three days, ct scan, steroids for six days along with.. antobiatics and a blood thinner shot in the gut every 12 hrs for 6 days COVID pneumonia. And no I have not been vacinated. That was on the the 3rd of Nov.still at home recovering and will be at the min. until Dec 6.This COVID is nothing to play with. You all watch yourselfs out there and good hunting.
What did they find?
Is it Covid?
Prayers and best wishes sent brother
Will check out the Keto diet as I am too heavy.Get better!Old Rooster
What did they find?
Is it Covid?
Prayers and best wishes sent brother
Will check out the Keto diet as I am too heavy.Get better!Old Rooster
Yes it is COVID. The severe cases of COVID , it attacks your lungs so bad, your bodies reaction is Pneumonia. The Proper name for severe COVID is COVID Pneumonia. It's not like regular pneumonia that effects one lung or the other. It effects both lungs. May take months to recover completly and have scare tissue damage permanatly. Nothing to mess with. Completely different than going and getting tested coming up positive and they tell you to go home and quarantine for 10-14 days. If you catch severe, you'll know it because you'll be in a hospital bed sucking on oxygen among other things. I hope this clarifies things old rooster and be careful with family this week ,you don't know where they have been. Your no spring chicken any more and thanks.
Since we are being open and sharing warnings, while not a heart attack it is cardiac related. Good health, 67 years old, quit my job a while back was planning a real out or state hunt. Exercise regularly, normal stuff. Have a bad back so once a week include; dead lift 3 sets of 8 reps at 315 lbs, squats, 3 sets of 8 at 225 lbs. Could work along side of anyone and carry my share. All and all just felt good about the next few years. Over a months time noticed that occasionally my heart was pounding harder it should, not faster, just harder. One day it was enough that I went in to doctor. Physicians Assistant did an EKG and said that all was good. Didn't feel right so I asked for a referral for a stress test. She pushed back and said that she did not think that I needed one. I responded that when an old man who does not like going to the doctor, sees a doctor and then asks to see another doctor, it is probably best to let him.

After a stress echo cardiogram I was told that the PA was correct, there is nothing wrong with my heart but they did find a thoracic aortic aneurysm. The high pressure line out of the top my heart has a bulge in the wall that will get worse with time. Good side, they found it and when it gets to a certain size they will open my chest, cut out the bad section and sew in a synthetic replacement. Bad side, it blows out, worst case is every muscle fiber lights up due to lack of oxygen and eventually chest fills with blood, lungs quit working, lights out. This is typically found one of two ways; a small leak, rush to hospital. If you have a cardiac center close by, surgical repair. The other way to find is luck. As in my case looking at one thing and someone notices the bigger issue. Common causes high blood pressure. ONCE YOU START SEEING RESTING BLOOD PRESSURE 165/XX QUIT DENYING YOU HAVE A PROBLEM or in my case, picked the wrong parents, genetics. They both had abdominal aortic aneurysms.

So it has come down to NO. No throwing hay bales, no hard heavy digging with a shovel, no constipation, no catching my ram and tipping him at shearing time, no falling from even low places, no sack of chicken feed in each hand and carry to the coop. No, no, no. Nothing that will create internal chest pressure. No shooting 12 gauge shotgun, no pack full of meat 3 miles back to the truck. The days of pure pleasure from exahusting work are over. Drugs have heart rate strapped so that it cannot exceed in my case 135 bpm. If you are not careful you get fat.

Big change in life.
Hope to be as strong as the sparrow.

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
― D.H. Lawrence,

Thanks All
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I have Benadryl, regular and baby aspirin, a small trauma pack with quick clot, and water and a urine bag. The Benadryl and aspirin are swapped out yearly at the beginning of the season when I buy my hunting/fishing license. The urine bag is for sitting in tree stand in our Eastern woods. I'm not like you guys out West, I don't hunt much more than a mile or two from a UTV or truck.
I have Benadryl, regular and baby aspirin, a small trauma pack with quick clot, and water and a urine bag. The Benadryl and aspirin are swapped out yearly at the beginning of the season when I buy my hunting/fishing license. The urine bag is for sitting in tree stand in our Eastern woods. I'm not like you guys out West, I don't hunt much more than a mile or two from a UTV or truck.
I keep a pint of 12 year old Macallan sherry cask and a back-up can of fresh Copenhagen in my butt pack. 'Cause ya just never know.

The MacAllan can come in very handy when it's time to celebrate a kill. As for the snoose, a guy could use that to lure his girlfriend out of the tent when it's time to pack one off the mountain. Unless she's got a fresher can of 'hagen in there with her, it would probably work.
The MacAllan can come in very handy when it's time to celebrate a kill. As for the snoose, a guy could use that to lure his girlfriend out of the tent when it's time to pack one off the mountain. Unless she's got a fresher can of 'hagen in there with her, it would probably work.
X Rings every salvo!
I know this feeling all to well of the heart. My health isn't the greatest after taking a shotgun blast at 5ft in 93. Went back to work 2 years later as a city officer in a small town. Little while down the road my body wouldn't take it. 100% disabled and retired. Fast forward to 6 years ago. I was getting ready to spray off my front porch after mowing. Felt bad with pain but it was something I had come to live with. When I felt as though I was breathing in fire to my lungs. Next was a profuse sweat. I dropped the house went inside and hid from my wife and son thinking it would go away. It didn't and when my son saw me he said dad you are green. Luckily a clinic below us a mile away was open. When I went inside the nurse, (knew as a friend from years ago) came to meet me and thought I had fallen into a pool and almost drown, due to the sweat soaked clothes and body. They gave a bunch of aspirin to chew. Called the ambulance. It was bad enough they held my wife and son to let the ambulance get a head start. I won't lie lying there again thinking this is it was awful. 30 minutes to hospital and the lady EMT went to the front at one point telling the driver we need to hurry. Small gasps of air at this point. After arriving the doctor put a medicated stent, largest they had in. Myocardial infarction not good. Told I was 100% blocked. Don't know how that works but do know how it feels. It's been a long road. Still on meds and it makes you feel as though you've worked an entire day and did nothing much in truth.
Aspirin is a key. They didn't give me nitro although my nurse friend ask first thing. I knew the reason but can't remember. It was the decision that saved my life the Heart doctor relayed to me and my wife. So in some cases, (100% blocked?) aspirin is best. I told my buddy this experience and to keep aspirin. Not more than a few months ago he was in his shop and felt strange. He took aspirin and headed to the hospital. Sure enough heart attack. Triple bypass. He called to thank me for pushing him to carry aspirin while out and about working. In short, in my experience controlling your breathing and emotion, saved me both from bleeding to death and a heart attack. The shooting gave me insight, as I passed away. Now, I know there is something besides all this. My biggest and most help I give to my God. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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