for all you Banish 30 owners


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2008
has anyone had the problem of trying to take a Banish 30 apart to clean? after getting a new baffle from Mack Bros for one that I damaged I put it back together correctly and used anti-sieze on all treads so it would not freeze together from today I saw carbon cloud come out while testing loads so time to clean right? took front cap off and removed the 2 baffles then tried to unscrew the other 2 pieces from the main body but they will not unscrew at all, I only put it together hand tight. so put it in the sonic cleaner nice and clean now but will not come apart to get the baffles out to finish cleaning, any ideas? thanks Jim
I've never had an issue with mine (<knock on wood>) and I've shot mine until it was REALLY carboned up. I guess I'd try a pair of strap wrenches but I wouldn't get too rowdy with it...don't want to crush the tube. Have you contacted Silencer Central to see if they have any recommendations?
I've never had an issue with mine (<knock on wood>) and I've shot mine until it was REALLY carboned up. I guess I'd try a pair of strap wrenches but I wouldn't get too rowdy with it...don't want to crush the tube. Have you contacted Silencer Central to see if they have any recommendations?
yes the said try strap wrenches , have called Mack Bros who make the unit to ask Dale but he can't seem to come to the phone so I will go buy 2 strap wrenches and give it a shot. if that does not work I will leave it that way and only remove the end cap and clean it in the sonic cleaner, looks good inside so see what happens
Let me know how it goes...good to have a plan if mine gets tight as well. I've read that the teflon-based anti-seize doesn't work well in high temp applications. I like the copper or nickel anti-seize, but I've never used it on my threads for my can. I just disassemble and clean (using the suppressor baffle remover that SC sells), and reassemble with a bit of frog lube. Too bad you're 4 hours away and can't just knock on the door at Mack Bros...I've heard they're great people to work with so I'm surprised they're not returning your calls. Hope you get it all sorted out!
Never had a problem! I always use a couple spots of hi-temp red grease. When I re-install the extension I do it by hand no tool. I could not be happier with the Banish product!
Never had a problem! I always use a couple spots of hi-temp red grease. When I re-install the extension I do it by hand no tool. I could not be happier with the Banish product!
I put it together hand tight but use the little for the muzzel end cap and it comes off real easy, will see what happens , just left another message with Mack Bros a few minutes ago hope they have not gone home yet
Hard to say what happened? Maybe try some rubber like wetsuit material or something to get a grip with less squeezing pressure, like a jar lid removal? I use some material sometimes to remove lids as when you squeeze too hard they will not come off, far fetched but? Keep us posted on results!
has anyone had the problem of trying to take a Banish 30 apart to clean? after getting a new baffle from Mack Bros for one that I damaged I put it back together correctly and used anti-sieze on all treads so it would not freeze together from today I saw carbon cloud come out while testing loads so time to clean right? took front cap off and removed the 2 baffles then tried to unscrew the other 2 pieces from the main body but they will not unscrew at all, I only put it together hand tight. so put it in the sonic cleaner nice and clean now but will not come apart to get the baffles out to finish cleaning, any ideas? thanks Jim
I don't own a can so I don't have any personal experience to use to help you here but I did see a YouTube video from Erik Cortina that was pretty interesting and might provide an option for you. He uses CLR to remove carbon in a brake. Watch the video

and see what you think. I'd be willing to give it a shot if I was in your predicament. Keep us posted with your results.
yes CLR works good, but I now go to Dollar Tree and get a cleaner called Awsome, a big bottle only costs 1.00. well got a couple of rubber strap wrenchs and a buddy tried our best and it will not budge so I am just going to remove the end cap and run cleaner in the ultra sonic and go from there. hopefully Dale will call Monday and will me what to do or I will call him later that day again. I know one thing for sure I will have to think long and hard before I buy another Banish product. thanks everone for the ideas. Jim
buy the tool from them to remove. i shoot 50-60 rounds zero issues! i love it!
Glen, I have the tool. the problem is that the short body section that has to be removed that the end cap attaches to will not unscrew so I can get the rest of the baffles out, the 2 front ones no problem.

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