Patriot valley 210 Cayuga for Hunting?

Have shot them. Very accurate and bc is spot on. Just haven't had the chance to use them on game yet.
Additionally one thing to keep in mind is that from what I understand they are for bone shooting and will be much less effective on a behind the shoulder lung shot.
Additionally one thing to keep in mind is that from what I understand they are for bone shooting and will be much less effective on a behind the shoulder lung shot.
What is your source for this info? Thanks
What is your source for this info? Thanks

Straight from Josh's fingers over on the hide.
@coldboremiracle 's impact tests on animals looks like they hit going about 1800fps give or take from what I know about the shot. They opened up well and penetrated a lot of tissue and bone.

They don't petal out to 2x or 3x the size at low velocities, if they did they would explode on contact at shorter ranges. They are designed to be shot into heavy structure on big deer species and other big, strong game. Anchoring the animal with 2 broken shoulders is possible with this bullet family from point blank to past 1000yd, the goal being to hit bones and spall out the soft tissue between the heavy bone.

He made another comment somewhere else about shooting behind the shoulder but I couldn't find it. I bought a box of the 6.5's and the 30s to try when they were first announced but after that I've shied away from using them on game and went back to the Hammers that I know expand on lung shots.
I'll second the shoulder shooting. I killed 4 animals and witnessed a few more last year with 122 Cayuga running 3450fps from a saum, as well as a 65cm going 3000fps. Don't shoot the crease, shoulder or high shoulder and they work well.
Seems like you'd be really decreasing your shot opportunities using a bullet that you can only take shoulder shots with. Why not use a bullet you know will work no matter what the shot or angle is?? Like Berger, hammers, elds.
What if the animal is quartering away? Can't take that shoulder shot, you miss the lungs. What if there is a branch covering its shoulder but behind the shoulder is clear, can't take that shot.
Trust me I shoot for bone every chance I get but if a shoulder shot dosnt present itself I want to be ready and confident in a behind the shoulder shot
Seems like you'd be really decreasing your shot opportunities using a bullet that you can only take shoulder shots with. Why not use a bullet you know will work no matter what the shot or angle is?? Like Berger, hammers, elds.
What if the animal is quartering away? Can't take that shoulder shot, you miss the lungs. What if there is a branch covering its shoulder but behind the shoulder is clear, can't take that shot.
Trust me I shoot for bone every chance I get but if a shoulder shot dosnt present itself I want to be ready and confident in a behind the shoulder shot
A quartering away shot to the crease is exactly what we shot on one of two elk we killed with the Creedmoor and 122's.

for long range hunting you need a bullet that expands reliably at that distance, wether it hits shoulder bone or soft tissue behind the shoulder, most LR shots are in the vitals area which includes both .... trying to explain away with "hit shoulder bone only" tells me that the bullet has not performed right on soft tissue at long range/slower velocities

sounds like the old Barnes X , without the bc
From what I have seen with these bullets, so far, I personally haven't seen a lack of expansion with soft tissue hits. However, that is with only 6 or 7 animals killed so far, and that wasn't with the 30 cal, but instead a .277 offering and a 7mm 151, both going really fast, like 3390 on the 7mm and 3425 on the .277. Reference this thread for specific pics of most of the animals we have taken with them so far. That may be a different story if the muzzle velocity was 2800 or something, I simply can't say either way.


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