Interesting video from TiborasaurusRex


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
If our enemies ever get power over the legislative and executive branch again I think it is almost a certainty that they will execute on the COA that Tiborasaurus Rex speaks of in this video. The video is only 2 minutes long or so but it says alot.

If we lose the Second Amendment we will lose much more shortly after.
Thanks for posting that.

The cost of Liberty is vigilance. The opposition is using any method possible to destroy the 2A - We The People's final defense against tyranny.
as soon as the 2nd amendment is gone, the rest will follow shortly thereafter. the left already attempts to silence speech that contradicts their own. once we have no way to fight back, there will be little else we can do. it'll be like venezuela when they were backing over protesters in the highway with APC's
And the push against the 2A - no matter what the politicians' rhetoric is - comes from the 'leadership' in both major parties. That is readily apparent when you look at what they actually Do, versus what they only say.

- - The odds of you being a victim in a mass shooting is less than your odds of being struck by lightning.
- - The 2A to the US Constitution was enacted as a final protection of We The People against a tyrannical government. It's not about duck hunting or personally protecting yourself from street thugs.

Have you ever heard a politician voice these two facts ? More importantly, have you observed a national politician acting based on these two facts ? I haven't.

Now look at where the US is placed on this list and see what countries are higher ranked. There is quite few of this country's that give there inhabitants the right to keep and bear arms.

Thanks. Interesting link.

However, the American founders never intended to create a 'democracy'. They knew history (far more so than today's politicians). They knew the dangers of democracies (two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner) and easily manipulated - so, they created a republic instead. In a republic, it's recognized that governments are created at the consent of the governed. And, people's inherent rights are recognized. Those in government do Not 'give their inhabitants' any rights. "They are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
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Thanks. Interesting link.

However, the American founders never intended to create a 'democracy'. They knew history (far more so than today's politicians). They knew the dangers of democracies (two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner) and easily manipulated - so, they created a republic instead. In a republic, it's recognized that governments are created at the consent of the governed. And, people's inherent rights are recognized. Those in government do Not 'give their inhabitants' any rights. "They are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Finland is an republic and same for Germany and Iceland that both score higher on the democracy index than the US. When you talk about an creator and democracy I think your confusing republic with kingdom. In a traditional European kingdom kings are more or less put in power by an creator.
In the kingdom myself live in more than half the population has rejected any belief in an creator myself included.
The majority is still supporting having a king so he's safe for now.
Lots of people do hunting and sports shooting and owning a gun has never been a right, but a privilege and no one make a fuss about it.
If I decided to I'm quite sure it would be easy to find republics where guns are illegal all together ;)
Ok that's the way things are done in Finland. No issue with how you do things over there. In the US it is an enumerated right in our constitution and it has a specific purpose, and it's NOT hunting or shooting sports.
Isn't the 2A already dead? What happens if you actually defended yourself against the government?

Illegal searches? Tax collectors? Out of control child protective services?

Sorry guys. The 2A died a very long time ago.
Finland is an republic and same for Germany and Iceland that both score higher on the democracy index than the US. When you talk about an creator and democracy I think your confusing republic with kingdom. In a traditional European kingdom kings are more or less put in power by an creator.
In the kingdom myself live in more than half the population has rejected any belief in an creator myself included.
The majority is still supporting having a king so he's safe for now.
Lots of people do hunting and sports shooting and owning a gun has never been a right, but a privilege and no one make a fuss about it.
If I decided to I'm quite sure it would be easy to find republics where guns are illegal all together ;)

Thank you for your reply. It's very interesting to hear from people, especially hunters, from around the world.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was born out of a historic background that rejected the notion that kings had the right to rule over men.
The 2A isn't about hunting or sports shooting (often heavily regulated in other countries). The 2A is a final defense against a tyrannical government.

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."—
from the US Declaration of Independence - written by Thomas Jefferson
I don't know a great deal about Finnish history. I've long been a fan of Finnish puukko knives and the M39 version of the Mosin Nagant rifle. I do know a little bit about the history of the Finns valiant struggle against the Soviets prior to WW2.

I appreciate hearing your views.
Isn't the 2A already dead? What happens if you actually defended yourself against the government?

Illegal searches? Tax collectors? Out of control child protective services?

Sorry guys. The 2A died a very long time ago.

2A dead ? Not quite yet, or they wouldn't put so much effort into trying to convince us to agree to their killing it.

Liberty exists in the hearts and minds of men. That's why few Americans (especially from younger generations) know anything about our Constitution or the history behind it. That's not an accident; they don't teach this in the schools.

But there are still a few of us that remember & try to teach others. And for that reason only, the control freaks in D.C. haven't moved in a way that would wake up the giant called We the People.
Thank you for your reply. It's very interesting to hear from people, especially hunters, from around the world.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was born out of a historic background that rejected the notion that kings had the right to rule over men.
The 2A isn't about hunting or sports shooting (often heavily regulated in other countries). The 2A is a final defense against a tyrannical government.

Looking at it in an historical perspective is interesting, but not much more. It's from a time when wars was still fought with muzleloades and daggers. It was also a young and fragile democracy at a time when few countries in rest of the world was democratic and Europe was still burning witches and beheading people for blasphemy(not quite true, but close) so I could see its importance at that particular time in history. We can say that US and most other western countries has evolved quite a bit since then.
If the mechanism to prevent a tyrannical government to take over I doubt that a handful of rednecks (sorry the choice of words)with AR-15 or some 700 bolt actions in 300winmag is gonna have much chance against a A-10 opening fire.
On the other hand I don't think more gun control will stop gun related violence. I think we need to be more careful how we talk about other people. If you talk about your enemies or opponents in a certain way you dehumanize them removing respect of there life's in the process.
I grew up with gun control and it has not hurt me one bit and there is guns in almost every house where I live. Actually it's served me well since it prevented me from blowing too much money on guns.
If you ever want to come to Europe then please stop by, I don't think you will dislike it too much ;)

Edit: can't get my hands on some swift 300wm brass, I'm dying to try it so please bring some.
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