McMillan gamewarden vs gamescout


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
Anyone have both of these and could grab some forearm width measurements for me and a couple forearm pictures. McMillan gives the same measurements for both stocks
I am interested in these stocks as well. Thinking of one for a new build. 300 prc si. 25-26" Carbon barrel for weight, moderate scope, 14-16 top end power , not a mountain light sheep gun, but still capable for some timber elk hunting.... and out around 6-800 if need be.
Would be very interested in pros and cons if you will.
Dont know the specs, but using a proof research sendero barrel it gets very thin. Saw a guy had one. Every smith ive talked to (and had both sticks) said to go with gamewarden
I have one of each. Game Scout on a Bartlein #3B, and Adjustable Game Warden on a Rock Creek "Sendero" contour.
What barrel contour are you wanting to run? I would not go over a #5 or 6 on a Game Scout. But a Game Warden is plenty for up to a Sendero/MTU/Heavy Palma contour.

Game Scout w. #3b

Game Warden w. "Sendero" (actually a bit heavier than Rem Sendero)
Yes, when I called McM they didn't recommend it.

I concur. I wouldn't use an Edge fill on anything larger than 300 WM. MCM recently replaced an A3 Sporter Edge that I had bedded onto my lightweight 300 WM. It started cracking behind the front action screw despite having the action fully bedded.

After noticing the crack developing, I called and sent it in for repair, they called back a few days later and said they couldn't fix it, so they're building me a new one under warranty.

MCM recommended what they call "Enhanced Edge" fill for the replacement.
I think standard fill would probably be okay, but I don't think the Edge fill will last.
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